Newbie, looking forward to making friends :)

Hi everyone, I am 34 yrs old. I have two boys, ages 12 and 10. They are the love of my life <3 I have just recently for the past month that my BP is high. It makes me nervous, because my mother had a massive stroke 3 yrs ago, she was only in her late 40's. She is alive and well. But, I do not want that to happen to me. I have been keeping an eye on it, some days it's crazy, other days, still a little high. But not too bad. But anyways, hopefully with the life change, I will never be on pills. and live a long life. I know this journey, is gonna be a long one, with ups and downs. But with a great support system, its easier. :)


  • ChloeHope2114
    ChloeHope2114 Posts: 14 Member
    My parents suffer from hypertension and diabetes so I completely understand the necessity of a healthier lifestyle. Even when genetics aren't on our side. Feel free to add me if you'd like! Good luck!
  • glasshalffull713
    glasshalffull713 Posts: 323 Member
    Add me too if you like. The more friends, the better :)

    It's awesome that you have decided to make healthy choices in your life to stick around longer for your kiddos. Congrats!
  • wintoolose34
    wintoolose34 Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks everyone :)
  • Add me if you'd like too. I just began my journey as well.
  • Hello everyone,
    I've just began my journey as well. I am also 34 with 2 wonderful little boys and recently diagnosed as prediabetic.

    It's nice to meet you all :)
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    OP make sure you have salt and fats (know the difference between good and bad fats) recorded in your macros.
  • I am always looking forward to making new friends and would be very pleased to provide support and encouragement on your journey! :)
  • Hi, I am new also and would like friends for motivation
  • Hello...i'm not new but am always looking for new friends. Everyone can add me if they want to.
  • andyzhunt
    andyzhunt Posts: 4 Member
    I was diagnosed with extremely high blood pressure in my mid-thirties and probably had it for years. It has never really been controlled that well with medication, but since I lost (nearly) 4 stone it has been normal. I'm hoping if I can lose a bit more that I'll be able to come off medication, but I wish I had never let it go so far! Good luck
  • iamuniqueiam
    iamuniqueiam Posts: 68 Member
    Hi fellow Canuck! Feel free to add me to your friends list if you'd like....anyone can me add me actually, but please include a message with a little bit of info or at least a "hi" or the request will get declined. Some days all you may get is a "like" on your food diary, but I try to be as active on my feed as possible.