Newbie Here, having a problem

Hi All! I tried WW about a year ago, and it worked great for me, however, I gained the weight back and then some. This time around, I would like to try something that doesn't involve using points, and rather uses calories instead. Sounds a lot simpler to me, plus, it's free!!

I also noticed that MFP has a great support system, which is also why I decided to join. All good things in my book.

Well, I just started my 12000 calorie diet on Monday, so I've now been on it for 4 days, averaging about 60 calories over my limit. The problem is, I've never felt so dizzy, brain fogged, and sleepy!! What am I not eating/doing right? I remember feeling slightly dizzy starting out on the WW plan a year ago, but I don't remember it being as bad as this. Am I eating too few calories?? It's been really hard for me to stick to the exact calorie limit for the day, as I'm always so hungry too!

I'm determined to stick to this, but it's just been tough going so far.............any one have any thoughts on what might be causing this dizzy problem?


Created by - Free Calorie Counter


  • lil_piece1092
    first by 12,000 calorie diet did you mean 1200 calorie???

    well i can give you tips on losing the weight i myself lost 70 pounds. i would be happy to help if you have any questions
  • pen282
    pen282 Posts: 168 Member

    Welcome to this site :-) The only thing I can think of is, have you suddenly reduced your calories drastically from what you were eating, to what your eating now? Maybe your body is shocked by the sudden change?

    Sorry I cant be more help but good luck with the weight loss, this site is great!
  • Godsflower1789
    are you drinking enough water? it might just be your body detoxing from junk (if you used to eat a lot of junk), it could be a vitamin deficentcy (have you been eating things rich in vitamins?), or it could just be your body adjusting.
    My suggestion...trying going out for a walk. sometimes increasing your bloodflow will help with dizzyspells, and if nothing else it is good for you :-)
  • earlgreygirl09
    lil_piece1092: yes, I meant 1200 calories, NOT 12,000! oops!
  • FitnessTim
    FitnessTim Posts: 234 Member
    First the obvious advice, see a doctor. It may be nothing but better to be on the safe side.

    There are so many question that I can ask related to your situation. Are you exercising and how much? How many calories were you consuming before you started MFP? Are you cutting carbs too low? Have you recently been on a low calorie diet before MFP? How much sleep are you getting? How much water are you drinking? Are you getting enough vitamins?

    It may be that you have to ease into it. When I started MFP I spent the first week or so just tracking what I ate and didn't try to cut calories. I wanted to get an idea of how much I was eating. As it turns out just the act of measuring calores caused me to reduce my calorie intake.

    Take it slow for the first week or so and give yourself time to adjust. Measure you calorie intake and listen to your body. Later when you are more experienced you can be a little more aggressive.

    Personally I have my good weeks and not-so-good weeks. I have felt the same symptoms you have, dizziness, foggy and sleepy. I hate those days. I just remember that in the long run, one bad week is insignificant. Just keep at it.

    Good luck and don't give up. Don't give up. Don't give up. DON"T GIVE UP.
  • khrys1
    khrys1 Posts: 444 Member
    I had a similar problem, detoxing from all the sugar I was used to.... Do you also exercise? if so, that'll let you eat more calories each day. It could also be WHAT you're eating- are you getting in all the food groups? Also, try eating like 4-5 small meals a day, rather than three, which'll help your blood sugar and maybe help the dizziness. Good luck!