Please Review: My Squat Form

Howdy Do Folks!
Another video for review :embarassed:

I've had to deload and work my way back up for the past month, so this 135lb is an achievement for me. :blushing:

Please let me know if there's anything that I can fix, I feel like I'm leaning forward just a biiiit too much, the bar is sitting kind of low so that way I can "force" myself into more of an upright position, vs my usual almost goodmorning.

I was reading the 1000lb topic and "buttwink" was mentioned and it seems I have that going on too?

Thanks in advance :)

Edited to add a front view, damn those buckling knees :grumble:


  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,951 Member
    Those knees. Work on keeping them out, it looks like with almost every upward movement they collapse inward.

    Interesting that you have your toes pointing forward. Mine angle outwards, I wonder if that would open up your hips and prevent some of that forward fall over you seem to have going.

    At 0:13 you fall forward, is that common? It looks like your elbows hinge backwards right before you fall forward, are you focusing on really pushing those elbows forward to bring your chest up?

    Just a couple things I've seen. All in all, you look better than most folks who squat where I work out. Which is like 6 people.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    1.) really not that bad- can definitly use polishing- bu tit's a great start.
    2.) knees are definitely unstable and will become an issue under a high percentage of weight.
    3.) you are in the starting stages of doing a good morning squat- you can just start to see TWO distinct movements- the hips come up- THEN the chest comes up.

    work on correcting this- NOW.

    Stand up- through the legs (pushing the world away from you) and drive your elbows and chest up- WITH your hips- don't let your hips go- then your chest.

    You do a LOT of work on your low back that way- which is why it's called a good morning squat.

    but you are a great spot- no seriously fatal flaws- and no habits that can't be worked on now to correct- looks like a great start!!!
  • tomcornhole
    tomcornhole Posts: 1,084 Member
    I'll address the butt wink question: at this point, it doesn't appear to be a big issue. You still appear to have good spine alignment but it's hard to tell with the loose clothing. And you are hitting depth really well, too.

    Point your toes out 30 deg next time and see how that feels.

  • skeo
    skeo Posts: 471 Member
    Thanks a lot everyone! :) I honestly never knew or even thought I had the buckling knees happening, after I finished my 3rd set, I decided to record from the front just to see what it would look like and I was honestly shocked when I saw it on the come up. I think the loose clothes hide it. So as much as I don't like wearing tighter clothes (confidence issues) I will just for better visibility.

    The fall forward isn't common, I think I was just and yeah, I tried to put real focus on my elbows to force my chest upward, so kind of like pressing the bar into my back and arms vertical, because I noticed if my elbows fall back more, I'm more susceptible to fall into the good morning position.

    but yay for not being TOO bad! and also thanks for your input guys and gal :flowerforyou:
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,951 Member
    Jo makes good comments, some small things to work on which are going to be big bugbears later if you let them go.

    Now, there is time for a dirty squat, one when you're over you 1RM and just trying to see what you can do, sometimes it gets dirty, but that should never happen on a deloaded squat.

    Focus on one solid movement, and the chain: heels, hips, nips. They all move as a unit.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    You do a LOT of work on your low back that way- which is why it's called a good morning squat.

    I can't edit this original comment now- but I realized looking at it- you could take this as a good thing or a bad thing- but just to be clear- good morning-ing your squat is not a good thing.

    good mornings are good- for good mornings.

    squats are good for squats.

    Trying to good morning a squat is going to do a number on your back in the wrong way.
    Now, there is time for a dirty squat, one when you're over you 1RM and just trying to see what you can do, sometimes it gets dirty, but that should never happen on a deloaded squat.

    Focus on one solid movement, and the chain: heels, hips, nips. They all move as a unit.
    to all of this.