I'm New! Help me out!

StaceyToney Posts: 2
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
Hello! My name is Stacey! I started a dieting program through my OB/GYN after giving birth to my second daughter on October 4, 2010. Unfortunately, I made the mistake of starting my diet the week before Christmas....lol. However, I did well the first week. Then, a stomach virus made it's appearance through the whole family. Cookies are apparently my weakness. Christmas is officially over now, bc the cookies are gone. I have lost a few pounds between my great first week of dieting and my stomach virus, but now I need talked through it! I'm a VERY picky eater. I know I have to change my eating habits, but it is hard when I genuinely DO NOT like veggies or most meats. I love chicken, which is good. I can eat salad if I have to. I have a really hard time saying 'no' to pizza and sweets. Now, I need to start finding alternatives to those things. My dietician suggested a pizza on a high fiber/low carb soft taco shell, and I actually LOVE it. I can't eat it everyday though. She also wants me to eat 100% protein for breakfast, but with two children (2 1/2 years and 3 months), I find it hard to find time to fix something (bacon, eggs, etc) in the morning. Before I know it, it is noon and I have had nothing to eat. I have bought the slim fast high protein shakes, and I like those for snacks, but once again, I get into the issue of eating/drinking the same thing every single day. So, any easy recipes for me to change it up would be greatly appreciated! Give me any other suggestions to get this party started too!


  • mschelle
    mschelle Posts: 240 Member
    I'm a VERY picky eater. I know I have to change my eating habits, but it is hard when I genuinely DO NOT like veggies or most meats. I love chicken, which is good. I can eat salad if I have to. I have a really hard time saying 'no' to pizza and sweets. Now, I need to start finding alternatives to those things.

    I am SO with you on this! The list of things I WON'T eat is far longer than what I WILL. Just a few of them rules out most recipes: no fish, meat on the bone, olives, broccoli, cauliflour, spinach, mushrooms....And my mouth is FULL of "sweet tooths".

    So what does that leave? Grains and dairy mostly - not exactly weight loss fodder! I eat a lot of boneless skinless chicken breasts, which taste like whatever you put on them. However, because of all my food hangups, I don't really know how to cook. So 90% of what I eat comes out of a box in the freezer (Healthy Choice's meals are pretty good, and even Marie Callendar has a couple lower calorie meals) :ohwell:

    So how about we share some picky-eater healthy food ideas? Maybe start a whole thread for it called the Picky Eaters Cookbook or something?

    I started P90X recently and have been trying to eat a high protein diet. So, this is what my lazy, picky, butt has been doing in the mornings:

    1/2 cup Egg Beaters on medium heat. Don't stir.
    While that's firming up, I chop up a little bit of green onion (onion powder would probably also work fine), and a little (1/2 oz) of low fat mozzarella.
    Throw the onion and cheese on top of the eggs before they're completely cooked.
    Fold the eggs over the onion/cheese.
    Let sit there a couple more minutes.
    Voila! 5 minute healthy (180 calorie) omelet!

    I'm sure people who *really* know how to make an omelet can give better instructions, but this works for me and is about as many steps as pouring a bowl of cereal. Sometimes I'll pop an English Muffin (whole wheat) into the toaster before I start cutting the onion and cheese. They finish about the same time.
  • I find it hard to find time to fix something (bacon, eggs, etc) in the morning. Before I know it, it is noon and I have had nothing to eat. I have bought the slim fast high protein shakes, and I like those for snacks, but once again, I get into the issue of eating/drinking the same thing every single day. So, any easy recipes for me to change it up would be greatly appreciated! Give me any other suggestions to get this party started too!

    A hard boiled egg is easy, when you make it the night before. Shell and eat, that's it.

    I'd get bored with a cold egg every day, so if I have a few minutes, I'll microwave it, and top it with tomato slices (not a veggie), and green onions. You can still do a mini huevos rancheros (single corn tortilla, microwaved egg, light sprinkle of cheddar, and tomato slices or salsa) in 5-7 minutes - only about 300 cal.
  • MaryMary11
    MaryMary11 Posts: 20 Member
    I find it's easier to keep some cooked chicken either in the fridge or or cut up in the freezer (depending upon how long it will take for me to use it.) I throw the chicken in tortilla shells, and salads. I love it in salads with chopped nuts! lol I could eat that everyday. :)

    What about making an egg casserole the night before, and you can pop it in the oven when you wake up? Then you have time to get yourself and the kids dressed and your eggs will be done. It doesn't have to be huge, just an 8x8 pan. Mix your eggs, a bit of low-fat milk, cheese, low fat sausage and whatever veggie you want to toss in. Pour it in your greased pan and then cover. Pop it in the oven and turn it on to 350 and you'll have breakfast in about 30 min. By the time the kids are dressed you'll be able to eat!
  • mschelle
    mschelle Posts: 240 Member
    I find it's easier to keep some cooked chicken either in the fridge or or cut up in the freezer (depending upon how long it will take for me to use it.) I throw the chicken in tortilla shells, and salads. I love it in salads with chopped nuts! lol I could eat that everyday. :)

    I've noticed they sell seasoned and cut up chicken and other meats now. I've considered trying that, but not sure what to do with them. Quick fajitas is all I can think of. Salad is a great idea, too!
    What about making an egg casserole the night before, and you can pop it in the oven when you wake up? Then you have time to get yourself and the kids dressed and your eggs will be done. It doesn't have to be huge, just an 8x8 pan. Mix your eggs, a bit of low-fat milk, cheese, low fat sausage and whatever veggie you want to toss in. Pour it in your greased pan and then cover. Pop it in the oven and turn it on to 350 and you'll have breakfast in about 30 min. By the time the kids are dressed you'll be able to eat!

    Ohhhhh! I'm going to have to try that! How do you know when it's done?
  • Rashel_kitten
    Rashel_kitten Posts: 81 Member
    i like soft boiled eggs when im not in the mood for hard boiled .. its 9.5 min on high from the moment u put the pot on the eye of the stove on a gas stove and then into the bowl and a 1/2 tsp of light butter and salt and pepper to taste .. mmmm sounds good .. its actually what i had the kids and i for dinner last night ... (5 yo and 3yo.. )
  • Thanks everyone! I will def try some of these ideas! I'm really glad I finally got on here. I don't feel so alone in my dieting problems anymore =)
  • Hi there! I'm new here too! Have you tried the Hungry girl's recipes for egg mugs?? I just discovered them this week, and they are awesome, have protein, and QUICK! The only difference is that I use a real egg as I don't like the artificial stuff of egg beaters.....All you have to do is throw your ingredients in a mug, microwave, and eat!

  • Suzeesmu
    Suzeesmu Posts: 159 Member
    For Super Fast, great protien breakfasts:

    1) Put a slice or two of cheese on a piece or two of ham (or your meat of choice)and microwave for a few seconds until the cheese melts.
    2) Cottage cheese.
    3) Hard boiled eggs (as mentioned above). Make them deviled eggs with mustard and seasoning ahead of time for a change of taste.
    4) Egg dish as mentioned above (add meat such as ham, bacon, turkey, leftover meat of any kind), veggies, cheese, and bake the night before - lasts several days - nuke with cheese on it in the am.
    5) Low carb quesadillas: shredded cheese, meats, salsa on low carb tortilla, nuke and fold over. Even add a little sour cream!

    Good luck and hang in!
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