Anyone else starting the new you tomorrow??

tashie76 Posts: 18
edited September 22 in Food and Nutrition
I joined this site a few days ago and have chosen tomorrow, being the first day of 2011, to be my first day of logging food etc. with MFP.

So I am in my last few hours of food freedom, by that I mean I will enjoy my last christmas splurge on food. I'm not going too mad, but next christmas I will be a very different person to that typing this now!

Happy new year to you all! xx


  • melbhall
    melbhall Posts: 519
    Happy New Year and good luck on your journey! I think you will be very successful when using this site. It's easy to use and the support is incredible! Enjoy your last day of the old you, because the new you begins tomorrow!
  • good luck! I started a couple of days ago to get in the swing of it. I am planning a splurge (alcohol only) tonight then the halo is on until I have reached my goal :0) good luck to you x
  • I start the "new you" tomorrow too! Seems like I have been starting this same project over, and over, and over. Maybe this year I will succeed. Happy New Year to each of you and a may we all succeed this year!
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    Heck, I start a new me everyday:bigsmile: Maybe I'll get it right someday.
  • Yep, I'm starting over again. I started a the day after Christmas. I thought it was better not to say "news years resolution" but living a healthy lifestyle.

    We will get to our goals this year. :wink:
  • blueberry4
    blueberry4 Posts: 2 Member
    Yes, I am. I've even filled out my food diary for tomorrow and am EXCITED to get started. I ordered Jane Fonda's 2 new primetimers workout DVDs and am ready. God help us all!!!
  • Yep :) I've felt more focused this semester at school than I ever have, so I thought that starting off the new year would be fantastic way to really get my motivation up. Good luck to you as well :)
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