Just curious.....why not?



  • superwmn
    superwmn Posts: 936
    I don't record my food or exercise here. I'm on the site for the databases and the supportive forums/community :)

  • Corinne_Bruce
    I decided to make mine private after seeing some criticism on other people's diaries. Encouragement and support are fine but some people were out of line, in my opinion.

    I think it's a bit much to have my daily foods monitored by others... even though I'm sure their intentions are meant well, they don't always come across that way and you feel like you've got your mother online watching you. Hahaha.

    To add: Yellowfairy also made a good point, I would probably be more tempted to not log something "bad" if I knew others would see it.
    I definitely agree!
  • potluck965
    potluck965 Posts: 529 Member
    One reason I like MFP is because you can keep everything private. My journey is very personal and I don't wish to have it out there for anyone to see.
  • wolf23
    wolf23 Posts: 4,178 Member
    I have mine public and have never had anybody make a comment, mind you I do not friend a lot of people. I know I like to look at what others eat to get ideas and felt hypocritical if I did not return the favor, although I should put a disclaimer " glance at your own risk."
  • MooseWizard
    MooseWizard Posts: 295 Member
    Mine's public. It helps me to think about foods before I eat them. "Sure, I could eat this pizza, but it certainly would not look like I am trying to lose weight." Also, I don't mind ideas and criticisms--I know they are for my benefit. Should I start getting unwelcome comments or overly-harsh critiques, I will probably just unfriend the offender rather than make my diary private.

    I understand the "I'm accountable only to myself" stance, but also understand that it is just another tool used to slip back into old habits--or at least it was for me in the past. Having others help motivate me and keep up with my progress keeps me on track.
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,428 Member
    Mine is public and I've never had any negative comments. If folks are that bored that they are looking for things to criticize, have at it! I don't always eat great (especially the past month!) but this is a lifestyle change not a diet so I'm gonna eat fudge, ice cream and bread. Not giving it up for the rest of my life. I've asked for help before from people so it's nice to have it public as well as offering food ideas to those people needed new options.
  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member
    because I don't want to. lol
  • JoyBellz
    JoyBellz Posts: 108 Member
    I have had mine both private and public. I prefer private b/c I am embarrassed about what is in it, honestly. I had a friend here on MFP post that she would "de-friend" anyone on here that didn't have their food diary public b/c by having it private, they were just hiding the truth. That really struck a nerve with me. Yes, we are "friends" on here, but none of us have the right to say something like that. That is rude and not true. We are here to give and get encouragement not negativity. Mine will remain private until I feel comfortable making it public. I think its just personal preference and either way is fine.
  • margie_77
    margie_77 Posts: 693 Member
    Mine is public and has been for 3 months now. The only comments that I have gotten are: Coffeemate Begian Chocolate Toffee is my creamer too... and MMMM pizza!
    No one has ever said anything bad to me, and I don't always choose the healthiest ways to spend my calories. Like someone said above, 'pizza is a part of my lifestyle' hahahha
    I don't see any harm in posting it, if people choose to harass you about it, then you need to access if they are trying to be helpful or just nosey and mean. Chances are, if they are the later, they are just feeling guilty about the crap they actually eat and don't have the nerve to post! :)
    At the end of the day you are accountable for you. Only you can do this for yourself. If there is a reason you want it public, make it public, if there isn't don't. That's why we have the option. :)
  • TrainingWithTonya
    TrainingWithTonya Posts: 1,741 Member
    I have mine public so that people can see that you don't have to avoid anything to get results. If you look at mine, you will see lots of Pepsi, sweet tea, and other "non-diet" foods. I dare anyone to criticize! Caffeine and carbs (even simple sugars) are ergogenic aids for long intense activity. If I'm not sitting in class or studying, I'm on my feet. Between teaching fitness classes (which are a workout in and of themselves but I don't count that as exercise because it is work), working with clients and demonstrating proper form, walking all over campus, and doing my own workouts, my body is in constant need of those ergogenic aids. Not to mention that caffeine is a quick and efficient way of opening the airways to slow or stop an asthma attack. We all have to make our own decisions about what we consume, so I leave my diary public so that anyone who thinks these things are wrong to consume can see that in the right circumstances they aren't really wrong.
  • taletreader
    taletreader Posts: 377 Member
    I started out having mine private, because I considered (and still consider) it basically a private matter. It's no one's business, and no one's job but mine to hold me accountable. However, once I started participating in the forums I saw many posters ask rather vague questions of the "what am I doing wrong?" type for which the first advice is to provide insight into their diaries. So to be more credible, I made mine public.

    In reality, I don't care if anyone sees what I eat. I intend to remain pseudonymous here anyway. And if anyone's idea is to criticise me or to meddle with my choices, I'll laugh them off or tell them off, depending on how annoying they are. On the other hand, if I'm in the situation where someone sees something that escapes me in my diaries, I'll be very grateful to hear about it.
  • nsueflorence
    nsueflorence Posts: 295 Member
    Mine is public. If someone wants to look at it cool. If not thats fine also. Everyone is going to struggle I think it is helpful to see we are not alone. Also its cool to pull food ideas from other people diary also.
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    I leave mine open to friends. Nothing to hide.....I have my good eating days and my bad eating days and I really don't actually ever think about who is viewing my diary. I figure though if I keep it only open to the people who support me daily and I actually chat to if there are any comments made it's from people on here that "know" me and where I'm coming from.
  • lastchance2010
    lastchance2010 Posts: 500 Member
    I have had mine both private and public. I prefer private b/c I am embarrassed about what is in it, honestly. I had a friend here on MFP post that she would "de-friend" anyone on here that didn't have their food diary public b/c by having it private, they were just hiding the truth. That really struck a nerve with me. Yes, we are "friends" on here, but none of us have the right to say something like that. That is rude and not true. We are here to give and get encouragement not negativity. Mine will remain private until I feel comfortable making it public. I think its just personal preference and either way is fine.

    Are you serious?!:huh: I'm so flabbergasted (sp)LOL at the fact that anyone criticize n e one's food choices. :noway: Every journey is different and I'd HATE to think that i'm being judge by my food diary!!!:embarassed: a big :explode: to any one who does that.:angry: .it's not nice.

    Now as for mine I did make it public cuz if I didn't I probably would have gave up by now.:indifferent: I like to lie to myself in the worst ways.:blushing: now yes there are times that I think " I can't believe I'm bout to let my friends see what I've eaten today". But at the same time it keeps me in check to make sure I DON'T do that cuz that would be defeating the purpose of wut I set out to do! I'm so grateful and thankful for this site and the supportive MFP family I now have cuz I definately get a ton of inspiration from all of them!!! :flowerforyou: :bigsmile:
  • somigliana
    somigliana Posts: 314 Member
    Mine is public. If someone wants to look at it cool. If not thats fine also. Everyone is going to struggle I think it is helpful to see we are not alone. Also its cool to pull food ideas from other people diary also.

    I feel exactly the same way :)