Eating only once a day - What are your thoughts



  • fit4eva86
    fit4eva86 Posts: 71 Member
    Fit4eva, why do you ( general) need breakfast?

    I need it myself or I get too hungry later in the morning but that's me - lots of people manage fine without it.
    Because you have not eaten all night, where are you gonna have the energy to take on the day and do your exercises? Breakfast kick starts your metabolism and stops you from being starving later on in the day and overeating.
    How so? Our metabolism never stops, we don't need it "kickstarted". We are not old motorcycles
    OK, so you have not eaten all night or hydrated, you don't agree that you need food to set you up for the day? to have the energy to complete your tasks and do your exercises? you think you should advise people to starve all day? and how will they acheive the body they are aiming for without the right nutrition.
  • Jess__I__Can
    Jess__I__Can Posts: 307 Member
    Calories can't tell time.
  • mamafelfleh
    mamafelfleh Posts: 17 Member
    The question is how long can you maintain this life style? The answer should be lifetime, any other answer means it's a bad idea!
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    If it works for you and you're eating enough go for it.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Nooo this is not healthy! you can make yourself ill doing this, mess up your metabolism and gain it all back when you eat normal. You will lose muscle which is important in weight loss, and possibly develop an eating disorder. I done this years ago and it completely messed me up! you need breakfast, Eat clean and healthy and add healthy snacks and keep doing what your doing with the exercise and your body will thank you for it, add some resistance training to build muscle and your a winner xx

    Tell that to this guy....


    IF done properly is perfectly guess is you didn't do it properly.

    OP, it really depends on what you're eating in that window...You need to be getting enough calories as well as proper nutrition. Most people who practice IF have about a 4 hour window or so.
  • darkguardian419
    darkguardian419 Posts: 1,302 Member
    Fit4eva, why do you ( general) need breakfast?

    I need it myself or I get too hungry later in the morning but that's me - lots of people manage fine without it.
    Because you have not eaten all night, where are you gonna have the energy to take on the day and do your exercises? Breakfast kick starts your metabolism and stops you from being starving later on in the day and overeating.

    There is ZERO science to back this claim.

    If you feel better doing it, then do it... that's your personal preference, and that's perfectly fine.

    BUT... it's not required. "where are you going to get the energy" is actually really easy to answer... most people are on this site to lose some of the energy they have to take on the day... it's called body fat, you know, stored energy... yeah.

    I feel that your heart is in the right place, but you are misinformed here :frown:
  • allaboutthecake
    allaboutthecake Posts: 1,535 Member
    Cyclist 2-cents, if your cycle performance is not suffering, then don't really see any issues with consuming all of your caloric needs in one sitting. If however, performance changes and tanks, then rethink consuming protein before/during your ride. Sugar is a great source of carb to give you a kick on the bike, too. (Advise keeping your glycogen levels as close to normal as possible in order to protect your joints.)
  • Gmtribble90
    Gmtribble90 Posts: 463 Member
    Fit4eva, why do you ( general) need breakfast?

    I need it myself or I get too hungry later in the morning but that's me - lots of people manage fine without it.
    Because you have not eaten all night, where are you gonna have the energy to take on the day and do your exercises? Breakfast kick starts your metabolism and stops you from being starving later on in the day and overeating.


    Lol...not to get off topic, but I LOVE this!!!!
  • fit4eva86
    fit4eva86 Posts: 71 Member
    Fit4eva, why do you ( general) need breakfast?

    I need it myself or I get too hungry later in the morning but that's me - lots of people manage fine without it.
    Because you have not eaten all night, where are you gonna have the energy to take on the day and do your exercises? Breakfast kick starts your metabolism and stops you from being starving later on in the day and overeating.

    There is ZERO science to back this claim.

    If you feel better doing it, then do it... that's your personal preference, and that's perfectly fine.

    BUT... it's not required. "where are you going to get the energy" is actually really easy to answer... most people are on this site to lose some of the energy they have to take on the day... it's called body fat, you know, stored energy... yeah.

    I feel that your heart is in the right place, but you are misinformed here :frown:
    I spent years starving myself trying to lose weight! once i started eating properly and clean and having breakfast the weight fell off> I have spent most of my 20's in the gym with different pt and researching every thing going! losing weight is simple, eat clean and move. don't starve and don't overeat! it is common sense that starving all day and then eating a big meal is not good! what about your sugar levels, your digestive system. Ask a doctor, Ask a pt, Ask a nutritionist? I answered this question because i have starved myself and made myself ill. I now eat clean and train and feel good. I would never recommend to anyone to starve all day
  • Jess__I__Can
    Jess__I__Can Posts: 307 Member
    Fit4eva, why do you ( general) need breakfast?

    I need it myself or I get too hungry later in the morning but that's me - lots of people manage fine without it.
    Because you have not eaten all night, where are you gonna have the energy to take on the day and do your exercises? Breakfast kick starts your metabolism and stops you from being starving later on in the day and overeating.

    There is ZERO science to back this claim.

    If you feel better doing it, then do it... that's your personal preference, and that's perfectly fine.

    BUT... it's not required. "where are you going to get the energy" is actually really easy to answer... most people are on this site to lose some of the energy they have to take on the day... it's called body fat, you know, stored energy... yeah.

    I feel that your heart is in the right place, but you are misinformed here :frown:
    I spent years starving myself trying to lose weight! once i started eating properly and clean and having breakfast the weight fell off> I have spent most of my 20's in the gym with different pt and researching every thing going! losing weight is simple, eat clean and move. don't starve and don't overeat! it is common sense that starving all day and then eating a big meal is not good! what about your sugar levels, your digestive system. Ask a doctor, Ask a pt, Ask a nutritionist? I answered this question because i have starved myself and made myself ill. I now eat clean and train and feel good. I would never recommend to anyone to starve all day

    re: your use of the word starve


    ETA: emphasis
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    Nooo this is not healthy! you can make yourself ill doing this, mess up your metabolism and gain it all back when you eat normal. You will lose muscle which is important in weight loss, and possibly develop an eating disorder. I done this years ago and it completely messed me up! you need breakfast, Eat clean and healthy and add healthy snacks and keep doing what your doing with the exercise and your body will thank you for it, add some resistance training to build muscle and your a winner xx

    Tell that to this guy....


    IF done properly is perfectly guess is you didn't do it properly.

    OP, it really depends on what you're eating in that window...You need to be getting enough calories as well as proper nutrition. Most people who practice IF have about a 4 hour window or so.
    Breakfast cereal lobbyists hate him
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    Binge eating is not healthy, from a biological or mental perspective.
    Nor does it mean people are eating less.
    Double trouble: restrained eaters do not eat less and feel worse
    "high levels of dietary restraint do not appear to reflect actual caloric restraint, it has been found to be a risk factor for a wide array of maladaptive eating patterns. ... restrained eaters do not eat less than they intend to do"
    "We examine the comfort food preferences and consumption patterns of women with highly versus less developed schemas for cognitive restraint, emotional and situational eating ... complex eating schemas weaken biological signals and produce maladaptive patterns... High schematics reported a lesser post-consumption increase in fullness than low schematics. Low schematics favoured low and high calorie foods equally, their choice motivated by pleasure and positive emotions."

    your body will not start detoxing itself if you do this OP.
    The body "detoxes" all on its own, and if it doesn't then nothing you can do yourself will have any effect.
    If your liver &/or kidneys are not working, you'll be very sick and needs lots of skilled medical help to live.

    Eat breakfast. In fact, have about half your calories for breakfast.

    "Breakfast is associated with lower body weight ... "

    This study compared eating a small breakfast, medium lunch, and large dinner, [200, 500, 700 cal]
    with eating a large breakfast, medium lunch, and small dinner [700, 500, 200 cal].
    "The [large breakfast] group showed greater weight loss and waist circumference reduction ... fasting glucose, insulin [&] triglycerides ... decreased significantly to a greater extent in the [large breakfast] group."
    In addition, hunger was less and satiety was greater.
    Full text:

    "subjects assigned to high caloric intake during breakfast lost significantly more weight than those assigned to high caloric intake during the dinner"
    Full text:

    "data suggest that a low-calorie Mediterranean diet with a higher amount of calories in the first part of the day could establish a greater reduction in fat mass and improved insulin sensitivity than a typical daily diet."

    But if you can exercise before breakfast, you're going to be burning more fat, because your glucose & glycogen stores are already depleted.
    "findings suggest that there may be an advantage for body fat regulation and lipid metabolism in exercising before compared with after breakfast."
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    Fit4eva, why do you ( general) need breakfast?

    I need it myself or I get too hungry later in the morning but that's me - lots of people manage fine without it.
    Because you have not eaten all night, where are you gonna have the energy to take on the day and do your exercises? Breakfast kick starts your metabolism and stops you from being starving later on in the day and overeating.

    There is ZERO science to back this claim.

    If you feel better doing it, then do it... that's your personal preference, and that's perfectly fine.

    BUT... it's not required. "where are you going to get the energy" is actually really easy to answer... most people are on this site to lose some of the energy they have to take on the day... it's called body fat, you know, stored energy... yeah.

    I feel that your heart is in the right place, but you are misinformed here :frown:
    I spent years starving myself trying to lose weight! once i started eating properly and clean and having breakfast the weight fell off> I have spent most of my 20's in the gym with different pt and researching every thing going! losing weight is simple, eat clean and move. don't starve and don't overeat! it is common sense that starving all day and then eating a big meal is not good! what about your sugar levels, your digestive system. Ask a doctor, Ask a pt, Ask a nutritionist? I answered this question because i have starved myself and made myself ill. I now eat clean and train and feel good. I would never recommend to anyone to starve all day

    How many calories were you eating? If you were only eating 600-800 calories at that one meal...then yes...I think that you might very possibly could have felt as if you were starving and created several problems for yourself.

    I am not sure that only having one meal a day would suffice for me but I also don't think that it is necessary to have 3 meals and 2 snacks either. I could however probably get by with 2 meals over a specified number of hours. I think it is entirely doable and can be healthy at the same don't have scientific evidence...but...I think that my body would be okay with just two meals and maybe a light snack in between.

    I have considered this plan in the past. I might try it to see how it works for me.
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    Whatever works for you as long as you hit your calorie and macro targets. I can't do it, I need 5-6 small meals scattered throughout the day.
  • cingle87
    cingle87 Posts: 717 Member
    Look at my ticker, 90% of that loss has been achieved eating most of my calories within a couple of hours. Like you I didnt set out to eat everything in a small window due to my time table Its just worked out like this.
  • reeyonce
    reeyonce Posts: 43 Member
    Not for me, I love eating breakfast. In fact I need it, can't cope without it. Back when I was fat I could go all day without eating, then in the evenings I'd have a huge blow out. I NEVER wanna go back to that. I like to eat three meals a day and three meals a day only. I don't snack, my meals are enough to keep me from going hungry. That's just me though, I'm very happy with my diet.

    I would say this something you can keep up forever? Cus if not, be careful when you start to eat three meals again, the weight would probably pile back on!
  • ghosthackexe
    ghosthackexe Posts: 181 Member
    Hi I typically only eat one meal a day usually in the eve it's not so much as I think its better for weight loss because you'll achieve the same loss no matter when you eat in the day but for me its easier just because I normally have a packed day get up in the early AM's to run/workout then straight to work and I choose to avoid eating at work since everything everywhere is filled with junk food so its easier to just wait till I get home where I can prep my own meal and know exactly what calories and macro's are going into it thats just my take on it not being in an eating mood at work helps me not to be tempted to eat crap.
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    Not for me, I love eating breakfast. In fact I need it, can't cope without it. Back when I was fat I could go all day without eating, then in the evenings I'd have a huge blow out. I NEVER wanna go back to that. I like to eat three meals a day and three meals a day only. I don't snack, my meals are enough to keep me from going hungry. That's just me though, I'm very happy with my diet.

    I would say this something you can keep up forever? Cus if not, be careful when you start to eat three meals again, the weight would probably pile back on!
    How about
  • LeonCX
    LeonCX Posts: 862 Member
    I'm surprised someone hasn't posted that eating one meal a day caused cancer in laboratory rats. I say as long as it works for you, that's all that matters.
  • nosebag1212
    nosebag1212 Posts: 621 Member
    it's fine, IF for me is the only way to diet, eating tiny rabit sized meals that never makes you full throughout the day is just depressing imo, meal timing doesn't mean **** so long as you're hitting your calories/macros each day that's all that matters. Anyone who says it's bad or will 'slow down your metabolism' has no idea what they're talking about, a slowed metabolism happens over a period of months with a severe deficit, and is never as extreme as many people think.