trying not to cry and overeat and cry some more



  • TMM211073
    TMM211073 Posts: 153 Member
    Tell his brother to go f**k himself.... What the hell is HIS problem, apart from the *kitten* of a sibling he's protecting....

    Get out of there,YOU ARE NOT TO BLAME.... Your other half has clearly got issues - drunk is not a reason, an excuse or any form of justification for his appalling behaviour....!!

    Please seek advice and get the heck out of there - if not for your sake, but for the sake of your son.... He deserves a Mummy that is safe and well enough to look after him.

    My ex was a violent abuser and it took me 5 years to escape and believe me, it is the best thing I ever did.... I am remarried and very happy now.

    Anyway please look after yourself and stay safe - if necessary keep talking to us - we'll help in any way we can, but what really need to do is get the heck out of there and find someone who can help and advise you.

    xXx Much Love xXx
  • PatchEFog
    PatchEFog Posts: 152 Member

    Now: GO get a restraining order and get this man out of your life before he KILLS you and your child has no mother.
    This type of abuse, even if it was one time, is ONE TIME TOO MANY.
    Abusers like this NEVER change. DO NOT let him KILL you to prove it.
  • PrizePopple
    PrizePopple Posts: 3,133 Member
    Honey, don't worry about the food right now. Worry about you and your baby. That is far more important.

    As PatchEFog said, get a restraining order.

    If you don't have family to help you, then ask for help at the sheriff's department or police station. They will have the resources for you and should hopefully have someone on staff who is trained to help you.

    Him going to jail was the right thing. His brother can get bent.

    Please, please, PLEASE DO NOT LET HIM BACK INTO YOUR LIFE!! You and your child deserve so much more. :heart:
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Please pack up and leave now. If you have any parents or family that you can stay with, please start making those arrangements

    I know this probably isn't what you want to hear, but foods are the last of your worries right now. he will most likely make bail very soon and that could likely be a bad situation when he gets home.
    Chances are, if it happened once, then it will happen again. I've been in your situation and I know exactly how hard it is. I know you probably love him and want to try to save your family, and are scared to start over. And if your anything like I was, the low self esteem only makes it all worse. But please believe me, this most likely will get worse. Your baby is still young and deserves to grow up in a happy and healthy home. If your boyfriend thought it was okay to get that drunk around a baby, then assault you, he clearly doesn't think much of you or that baby. Please make some calls and try to get away now, while you still can.