Facing the Facts - No More Drowning Sorrows

millers88 Posts: 4 Member
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
Hello fellow fitness pals! I have been doing fitnesspal off and on for about year and recently fell off the wagon. My mother's death this year threw me into a tailspin and while I eat well most of the time, my downfall has been finding the time to exercise and my nightly glass of wine (or two). The alcohol is what's killing me and I've finally made the decision to stop drowning my sorrows and start getting back on track. I appreciate the sharing of information on this board - and like the ideas for recipes and protein meals on the fly! I want to lose 10 lbs which may not seem like much but it will make a significant difference for me. I hope I will be able to report success as the weeks unfold.


  • Gargwin82
    Gargwin82 Posts: 152 Member
    Welcome back!
    Sometimes life is hard and you need to take some time for you. I took October off when my Son and myself had a bunch of health problems. I was working 4 jobs at one point and counting calories just wasn't in the equation. Thankfully like you I knew from past experience what was doing the worst damage and tried to avoid it.

    I'm sure your Mom is glad you're done grieving and ready to get back on track to good health! 10lbs is a very realistic goal and I wish you the best in reaching it :)
  • Hey, I too need to get those last 10-15 pounds off. It does make a difference to me too. And, I also stopped drinking. I feel better and I do not seem to get into so much trouble. With Love...
  • Scubasab
    Scubasab Posts: 344 Member
    I am truly sorry for the loss of your Mother. I know first hand how difficult this is as I just lost my Mother unexpectantly and UNNECESSARILY!!!! I chose to take my grief and turn it into something positive for me. I know by doing this it would make my Mother proud. I joined MFP 30 + days ago and absolutely love it!!! You will find so much support and encouragement out there. It's not the 10 lbs. but choose to make healthy choices this year!!! Best of luck to you on your journey. You can friend me if you like? Sabrina
  • dlj1970
    dlj1970 Posts: 186 Member
    While I can't say that I know what it's like to lose a parent, I do know what it's like to have a life-altering experience and have trouble coping. I keep trying to get on track and feel like I'm falling farther and farther behind. I have several strategies in place to try to cope better and I'm just hoping that 2011 will be the year I turn things around for good. All the best in your personal journey and for the new year: ) You can do this, and I know I can, too, with the support that I've been getting from MFP. Here's to us!:wink:
  • millers88
    millers88 Posts: 4 Member
    WOW - I posted my story, never expecting anyone to really reply and I am just amazed at the support here. Thank you! It really does help to know that we each have our own struggles, but there are similarities at times. So - many many thanks and here's to all of our successes in 2011!:happy:
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