Anyone doing the Low carb/ High fat & protien "diet"?



  • Camo_xxx
    Camo_xxx Posts: 1,082 Member
    I don't know if you have picked up on this or not but the main diffrence between eating carbs and eating low carbs is how your body fuels itself.

    Eating carbs your main source of fuel is glucose converted from the sugars in carbs.

    Eating low carb your body burns ketones converted from fat as it's main source of fuel. ( many call a low carb diet a keto diet from the word ketone, not to be confused with ketoaciddocis )

    many diabetics eat low carb as because it helps to control insulin and blood sugar levels.

    Good over view.

  • La5Vega5Girl
    La5Vega5Girl Posts: 709 Member
    i have to admit, i am not logging my food anymore. i will have happy to accept you as a friend, and we can help each other
  • La5Vega5Girl
    La5Vega5Girl Posts: 709 Member
    That is great that you dont have to rely on blood pressure meds anymore!! I think the fact that the people stated that they lost with minimal exercise and eating this way had me intrigued.

    i don't know how anyone could lose without working-out or doing some type of exercise. my husband goes to the gym 5 times a week and he is VERY fit. he has been working-out for 3 years, and didn't start losing the bulk of his weight until he started eating this way.
    keep up the good work! :happy:
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    A huge percentage of people go on these high fat, low carb diets and gain weight, because it is extremely easy to do so when you don't count calories and eat calorie dense foods such as you describe.

    In the end, if you burn more than you eat, you'll lose weight, no matter what your carb intake. And if it's the other way 'round, you'll gain weight, no matter what your carb intake.
  • shafa4321
    shafa4321 Posts: 132 Member
    Best diet if you could stay away from fruits
  • shafa4321
    shafa4321 Posts: 132 Member
    Hi I improved my cholesterol with High fat diet ,Google new article in NEJM that low carb diet even decrease chance of heart attack .I knew sound confusing

    Good morning I never really post on her but i am curious about something.... Im in a facebook group and their purpose is helping people maintain a low carb high fat/ protein WOE. The things that they post on there seems very unhealthy. They use pork grinds in everything, load up on heavy cream, they love butter and a host of other things. As long as they dont eat anything over 20g of carbs a day (for some people a lower amount). Is this healthy? Is this a successful way to drop pounds. Wouldn't adding all of that fat to ones diet increase other problems ( heart problems etc)? And they dont eat fruit.... I was always tought that fruit was good? Im not trying to look down on anyones WOE i am just a little confused and wanted to know if this method is effective. Thanks in advance.
  • northbanu
    northbanu Posts: 366 Member
    That is great that you dont have to rely on blood pressure meds anymore!! I think the fact that the people stated that they lost with minimal exercise and eating this way had me intrigued.

    i don't know how anyone could lose without working-out or doing some type of exercise. my husband goes to the gym 5 times a week and he is VERY fit. he has been working-out for 3 years, and didn't start losing the bulk of his weight until he started eating this way.
    keep up the good work! :happy:

    I'm a keto guy.
    I never work out. I'm loosing about 1.8 pounds a week. I hate the gym. It sucks.
  • shireeniebeanie
    shireeniebeanie Posts: 293 Member
    I shoot for 40/30/30, but don't always get there. Cutting carbohydrates too much would ensure my demise.
  • Kittymarie83
    Kittymarie83 Posts: 25 Member
    Best diet if you could stay away from fruits

    Is there a particular fruit or all fruits... Of course Im going to do my research but just curious as to why you think thats the best diet.
  • Kittymarie83
    Kittymarie83 Posts: 25 Member
    i have to admit, i am not logging my food anymore. i will have happy to accept you as a friend, and we can help each other
    I sent the request thanks... you can feel free to comment when you see im slipping up or eating something totally qaginst low carb lifestyle... I love constructive critisism(sp?)
  • Kittymarie83
    Kittymarie83 Posts: 25 Member
    I don't know if you have picked up on this or not but the main diffrence between eating carbs and eating low carbs is how your body fuels itself.

    Eating carbs your main source of fuel is glucose converted from the sugars in carbs.

    Eating low carb your body burns ketones converted from fat as it's main source of fuel. ( many call a low carb diet a keto diet from the word ketone, not to be confused with ketoaciddocis )

    many diabetics eat low carb as because it helps to control insulin and blood sugar levels.

    Good over view.


    Thanks for the article.... I will read it in a few :)
  • La5Vega5Girl
    La5Vega5Girl Posts: 709 Member
    That is great that you dont have to rely on blood pressure meds anymore!! I think the fact that the people stated that they lost with minimal exercise and eating this way had me intrigued.

    i don't know how anyone could lose without working-out or doing some type of exercise. my husband goes to the gym 5 times a week and he is VERY fit. he has been working-out for 3 years, and didn't start losing the bulk of his weight until he started eating this way.
    keep up the good work! :happy:

    I'm a keto guy.
    I never work out. I'm loosing about 1.8 pounds a week. I hate the gym. It sucks.

    do you never do any exercise at all??? you don't have to go to the gym to work-out or get exercise. my point is, i think exercise of some type is a requirement for a healthy lifestyle and weight loss.
  • Kittymarie83
    Kittymarie83 Posts: 25 Member
    I shoot for 40/30/30, but don't always get there. Cutting carbohydrates too much would ensure my demise.

    Ok so what does that mean... 40 carbs, 30 fat, 30 protein... im trying to learn the abbreviations and lingo
  • La5Vega5Girl
    La5Vega5Girl Posts: 709 Member

    Is there a particular fruit or all fruits... Of course Im going to do my research but just curious as to why you think thats the best diet.


    1/2 cup of fresh raspberries has 3.4 grams of net carbs
    1/2 cup of strawberries has 4.1 grams of net carbs
    1/2 cup of cranberries has 3.8 grams of net carbs
    1/2 cup of watermelon has 5.5 grams of net carbs
    1/2 cup of cherries has 5.5 grams of net carbs

    net carbs are figured by subtracting fiber content of the food from the carbs. so if a food has 4g/carbs and 2g/fiber, you can say that the food has 2g net carbs. some people go by total carbs, depends on what you want to do.

    stay away from fruit juices, or Hawaiian fruits, as i call them: banana, pineapple, mango, apple, pear, orange, tomato because they are high in carbs.

    one of my new favorites is to pour heavy cream (0 carbs) over a few fresh raspberries (3g/carb) and that is my dessert!!!
  • Kittymarie83
    Kittymarie83 Posts: 25 Member

    Is there a particular fruit or all fruits... Of course Im going to do my research but just curious as to why you think thats the best diet.


    1/2 cup of fresh raspberries has 3.4 grams of net carbs
    1/2 cup of strawberries has 4.1 grams of net carbs
    1/2 cup of cranberries has 3.8 grams of net carbs
    1/2 cup of watermelon has 5.5 grams of net carbs
    1/2 cup of cherries has 5.5 grams of net carbs

    net carbs are figured by subtracting fiber content of the food from the carbs. so if a food has 4g/carbs and 2g/fiber, you can say that the food has 2g net carbs. some people go by total carbs, depends on what you want to do.

    stay away from fruit juices, or Hawaiian fruits, as i call them: banana, pineapple, mango, apple, pear, orange, tomato because they are high in carbs.

    one of my new favorites is to pour heavy cream (0 carbs) over a few fresh raspberries (3g/carb) and that is my dessert!!!

    Oh wow... I never knew fruits had so many crbs for such a small amount. I like to learn new things... i can see that I have some serious reading to do. Im not saying that I would go 100% into the low carb thing but I take bits and pieces from a lot of different things and see what works for me.
  • kkimpel
    kkimpel Posts: 303 Member
    I don't eat high fat foods because they make my tummy hurt ... :) Low carbs for me is less that 100 g which is about 30% of my 1,200 calories (I am 58 and only 5'3" (if i stand up tall) I do 30 % Carb, 30 % Protien and the rest Fat .. but I track fiber and subtract it from my carbs .. I walk and do Pilates and I track calories

    I think it has to be the right kinds of foods to be healthy ..fresh wholesome foods that don't come in a box with a lot of ingredients
  • La5Vega5Girl
    La5Vega5Girl Posts: 709 Member

    Oh wow... I never knew fruits had so many crbs for such a small amount. I like to learn new things... i can see that I have some serious reading to do. Im not saying that I would go 100% into the low carb thing but I take bits and pieces from a lot of different things and see what works for me.

    you can definitely tailor it to fit your needs/wants. some people do 100g/carbs/day. others do 50g/carbs/day. we are doing very low carb/day at the beginning to lose a significant amount of weight and then we might increase as time goes by. also, if you work-out with weights, you can increase carbs or "carb load" about once every weeks or two. my husband does this once per week where he will eat alot of carbs (alot for him) such as bananas, apples, gluten-free bread, rice or potatoes. this hasn't had any negative effect on his weight loss, and he is gaining tons of muscle.
  • Camo_xxx
    Camo_xxx Posts: 1,082 Member
    I am not a fan of "atkins" simply because it doesn't embrace the calories in calories out mantra , rather uses a eat reasonable portions approach but if you want to do a traditional low carb induction then research " atkins induction". The atkins site will walk you through the phases and even list the recommended foods per phase.
  • Kittymarie83
    Kittymarie83 Posts: 25 Member
    Yeah Im starting out cutting the breads and starches out... which leaves room for fruit and veggies which I love. I tried to go pescatarian but that didnt work out for long.... My family loves meat .... it was too much temptation going on lol but if I cut out the bread and other stuff I should be fine plus with me working out. My major problem is bordom with food i guess.... Im constantly looking for new recipies to please everyone thats a problem with my picky eaters.... I'll eat dirt if i have to in order to loose weight lol my kids and husband... not so much lol
  • Kittymarie83
    Kittymarie83 Posts: 25 Member
    I am not a fan of "atkins" simply because it doesn't embrace the calories in calories out mantra , rather uses a eat reasonable portions approach but if you want to do a traditional low carb induction then research " atkins induction". The atkins site will walk you through the phases and even list the recommended foods per phase.

    Thanks so much Im googling it as we speak.:drinker: