Turning 40 and looking for support



  • fanceegirl75
    fanceegirl75 Posts: 620 Member
    I turned 39 in July and would love to lose 20 lbs. Just started using MFP again as well. Feel free too add me.
  • ThomasGinter
    ThomasGinter Posts: 36 Member
    Turning 40 was part of my inspiration to start this journey a few months ago. Open to any friend requests. Mutual support is part of the benefit of this great site.
  • kloos71
    kloos71 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi there! I'm looking for like-minded friends too...I'm turning 43 and I'm almost down 20 lbs! I'd like to lost 50 more pounds! I'm tired of the diet roller coaster and want to get healthy and free great, once and for all!! :smile:
  • MissD73x
    MissD73x Posts: 21 Member
    At 40 I was disappointed with my figure and decided to do something about it. I'm now 41 and 7lbs away from my goal. Happy to provide support to anyone who needs it :)
  • Angurla
    Angurla Posts: 159 Member
    I'm right around the corner. Feel free to add me.
  • Phosner
    Wow! Great support on here. I turn 40 in December and am looking to go into that a healthier me. I started using this website and it has been hugely helpful. I also joined a challenge at a local gym which is helping. I just needed that boost to get going and that accountability piece. I am open to suggestions and look forward to being motivated on here:)
  • Information is key to keep you from spinning your wheels. Here's some that was passed to me so I'm paying it forward. Good luck.
    Copy and past to your browser.


  • Shokei
    Shokei Posts: 71 Member
    Feel free to add me. 16718172.png
  • charlie_zebra
    charlie_zebra Posts: 5 Member
    Me too. Turning 40 tomorrow and 21.5 pounds to go to get to goal. I was never more than 40 pounds from goal even when pregnant for 3 kids so I sometimes have trouble being motivated, because I am 'not that bad' compared to others...
    But that was not helpful thinking, comparing myself to others. I want to get healthy for me, the kids, husband and the long haul.

    Happy Birthday and good luck with those last few lbs :)
  • charlie_zebra
    charlie_zebra Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks everyone! It's good to know there are others out there who are in similar situations. I've got 352 days to finish the first leg of my journey. Looking forward to entering my 40s feeling fit and fabulous!