Bodyfat: Measuring at home

I think I've settled on a method of measuring body fat. I first started tracking mine in January 2013 using an Omron scale that measures impedance through both hands and feet, which is presumably more accurate than measuring through feet or hands alone. My first reading of 22% was after having already lost 16 pounds. Since then I've come down to the 11% to 13% range. Although I think the readings are too low by about 3% to 5%, the downward trend has been pretty consistent.

A couple weeks ago I bought a set of calipers for a pinch test. The instructions that came with the calipers recommended a single site (suprailiac) test. Then I found the Jackson-Pollack 3 point test that I can do by myself. And then today I found an online calculator that uses tape measure readings from 8 different sites. (I like that better than the ones using just waist, wrist and neck measurements.)

So I now have four different methods that I can use to measure body fat percent by myself at home. When you put them all together it is a little time consuming, but it's free and I don't have to ask anyone else to help.

The results from yesterday's readings:

Omron scale: 11.8%
Jackson Pollack 3 point: 12.7%
Suprailiac: 14.7%
Tape Measure 8 point: 15.4%

Then because I have no idea which result is the most correct, I average them and call myself 13.7%.

Is anyone else doing something similar, or am I the only one too cheap to get a DEXA or BodPod test, yet still want some idea of my body fat and how it's changing?
