Is sugar an enemy?

Hi! So for the quite a while I was a little obsessed with avoiding added sugar. To the point when I wouldn't touch anything with it! I was on plain yogurt, no cereal just plain oatmeal, rye bread, no tomato based sauces etc... It got to the point where I became afraid of it!

Doing this ended up being so so limiting to just living normally and eating normally. (I'm 20, and not really very active! haha)

I am now trying to overcome this.. but am I perhaps doing the wrong thing? Are eating foods with added sugar bad for me?

eg, the things with added sugar I had today (on top of all my other foods!) where..

Some orange juice (mostly natural sugars, but still very high in sugar so it was something I avoided like the plague!)
a piece of shortbread,
store bought wholemeal bread
egg mayonnaise
prawn Marie rose dressing
a chocolate mousse

This isn't counting all the natural sugars I also eat, all together its around 80g!

Am I doing the right thing eating this way again? What are your opinions on my sweet tooth? haha


  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    sugar is not inherently evil...sugar in moderation and in combination with a nutritious and balanced diet is fine....drinking multiple 40 ounce big gulps...not so much.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    It is food. It nourishes us.
    Eat it in moderation unless you have a medical condition and need to limit it.