Newbie to dieting..need advise please

I just joined this site yesterday but have been lurking around the forums for a few weeks now.
I have been tracking my calories on a different site for about 2 months now.
I started watching what I ate the 3rd week of July. I have lost 31 pounds so far.
I have stopped drinking soda. I only drink water or sugar free flavor packets that are added to water. I used to drink a huge amount a day,
I only eat baked Lay's potato chips once in a great while then I only eat half the small bag and save the rest for the next day. I don't eat any added sugars other then what comes in food naturally, no candy bars or other sugary sweets because my sugar has been high for a few years and my doctor told me I need to get my levels lower or I would need to start insulin. I have noticed that the neuropathy in my feet has improved greatly since stopping the sugary drinks/foods.
I limit the amount of carbs to 80 or less on most days. if I eat more my brain feels foggy and I'm tired
My problem is now that I have started eating healthy and not eating the boxed/canned processed foods I was eating I'm having trouble getting enough calories in a day. I have never been a big eater. my weight problem came from unnatural amounts of soda and way to much junk food-- big bags of potato chips, chocolate bars, pastries
Now that I have stopped eating that I'm having so much trouble even getting to 1000 calories a day. I'm eating more vegetables and a nice serving of meat at dinner time so I'm getting enough protein. most days for lunch I have tuna fish or egg. most days I also have serving of peanut butter with an apple. I don't feel hungry after the meals. If I try to eat even more vegetables or meat I feel over stuffed and uncomfortable. aside from adding more carb foods (bread, pasta, rice) or snack foods I don't know what to do to get more calories.
any suggestions are greatly appreciated. I've been reading about starvation mode and stuff and it's gotten me worried. I know i should be eating about 1300-1400 calories a day but I don't know how to eat that much food..
my stats are: 41 female. 5'5, 217 pounds


  • Shalva
    Shalva Posts: 55 Member
    I totally get what you are saying and often find myself in that 1000 calorie range as well. I am eating so differently than I used to that just by sheer virtue of cooking differently and buying different foods and honestly cutting the crap out I am often low in my calorie intake... soooo

    You could add in nuts which are high in calories but healthy (I can't do this, am allergic)

    I tend to keep hardboiled eggs on hand all the time...

    add in full calorie things vs. low calorie substitutes, there are honestly some things I won't eat low calorie.

    add full calorie cheese to a sandwich or a meal, sprinkle some cheese on your veggies or potato or a little sour cream

    if you drink coffee use sugar or real half and half

    easy ways to up calories without really having to eat more
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    Try peanut butter on Triskets (they make reduced fat ones) or wheat crackers before bed. It's not a bad way to keep your sugar moving until morning and will certainly help add calories.

    It's really hard to eat healthy foods and keep your calories up, but if sugar is your only issue, you should be able to do it. Walk through the grocery store and look around. See what you like. There's so much!

    Try no fat, low sodium, low sugar, lol. I had to do that forever and it was horrible. I could never get enough calories and was so sick of those foods, lol. Low sugar would be a walk in the park for me.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Calorie dense foods....nuts, nut butters, olive oil, seeds, avocado.

    Roast veggies in olive oil and garlic. Use full fat dressings, add a sprinkle of nuts or avocado to salads. Full fat, or higher fat dairy. Add some string cheese to your snacks.
  • LMS1230
    Shalva: Thanks for the suggestions! I do have an egg a few times a week. I have to limit them because of high cholesterol.

    Kalikel: I do love peanut butter. I usually eat it with an apple or banana. I like the garlic flavored triskets. I might be weird but I like eating cottage cheese with them lol. I'll have to check out some wheat crackers when I go shopping again.
  • LMS1230
    I've never tried avocados. will try it next shopping day
  • Shalva
    Shalva Posts: 55 Member
    love love love avocados ....
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    Peanut butter
    Protein bars