Recipe search help

Hello everyone,

I just started a rather strict bulking cycle, and I've been combing the internet trying to find any site out there where I can search for recipes by their nutritional content (calories/protein/carbs) so that I can implement them into my eating plan and not spend 3 hrs mix and matching foods in order to fit them into my nutritional content. Any ideas where to look? Much appreciated.


  • Luv2eatSweets
    Luv2eatSweets Posts: 221 Member

    Pretty good recipes, with calorie, carb,protein breakdown.
  • northbanu
    northbanu Posts: 366 Member looks yummy. Her "low carb" recipes aren't "keto" low carb, but they are lower carb.

    Defiantly interested in a recipe sight that lets you search or sort by nutritional values (or at least macro) also.
