That moment when..



  • drepublic
    drepublic Posts: 180 Member
    My moment is when my wife called me out on my beer gut.
  • SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage
    When I saw a photo of myself
  • southernbuttercup
    My largest size clothes weren't fitting anymore and in fact I had broken zippers on two of my dresses. Sigh! I also realized I had been avoiding looking in mirrors anymore and pretty much stopped caring about my appearance. In January I decided I was going to do something about it not only for appearance sake, but to take control of my health and reach other goals too.
  • ladyhawkeye25
    the scale said 210!! I was in denial for months..but then I have realized how tired I have been this past year and how I wish I had the energy that I had 50 pounds ago! I have been on diets before only to gain it all back plus more! Enough is enough! So far I have lost 10 pounds and I have started MFP to stay motivated :)
  • uconnwinsnc1
    uconnwinsnc1 Posts: 902 Member
    When I was 21/22 and there were 15 year olds and 50 year olds in better shape than me. I don't want to sound arrogant, but at 23 I want to be the healthiest person in the room at all times.
  • euronorris
    euronorris Posts: 211 Member
    The Christmas party. I realised I had no party clothes to wear that would fit me.....and then had to buy new clothes in a size I had never reached before! I was gutted.

    That sparked off a 10lb loss earlier this year, and then I regained some over the summer as I let stress get the better of me. But am back on it again now. Trying out a begginers, female only running club tonight! Eek!
  • La5Vega5Girl
    La5Vega5Girl Posts: 709 Member
    i gave my friend a baby shower and i sent her all the photos via email about a week later. as i was going through them, i saw this one photo of, shall i say it? a fat lady. i was thinking, "who is this woman? i don't remember her at the shower?" i looked more closely and it was me. *lightbulb* :noway:

    *ETA this was about 5 years ago, when i was at my heaviest*
  • AnjaliSD
    AnjaliSD Posts: 42 Member
    When I realized I weighed more than my Dad. (Who is 4 inches taller than me), and wasn't far behind my brother (7 inches taller).