Continue with caloric deficit or maintain?

Could use some knowledge here.

I'm currently at 152Lbs/5'8"/@11%BF.
I eat whole foods (whey/egg whites/chicken/broccoli/oatmeal/brown rice and similar foods).
I keep the protein high/carbs and good fats moderate, no sugar (other than some fruits) and a couple cheat meals a month.

Workouts consist of 3 anaerobic days (free weights) followed by HIT, then a rest day.

The results have been great over the last several months, but I'd like the abs/obliques to pop more.

I'm still working on a caloric deficit of @700 calories per day to drop weight/fat.

If I level off my calories (no surplus/no deficit) will my abs show better, or should I continue to drop weight?
Will the continued healthy diet/workout continue to sculpt or do I stay in a deficit until I get the desired result?
Lost in the sauce