2011 New Year Resolution

kshindledecker Posts: 11
edited September 22 in Chit-Chat
Hey all. Every year I make the same resolution, to lose weight. Every year I fail. BUT this year, I have what I didn’t in the last 15 years; my cyber family I call MFP. I know everyone out there, through support and caring, have helped me achieve more then I ever could alone. Because of that and the fact that I know you will always have my back, I am making new!

- Spend as much time with my family as i can.
- Accomplish that A+ certification
- Get that computer related job back!

Thanks to all of you for a wonderful 2010 and the loss for 17lbs. Happy New Year!

If you care to, please share your resolution.


  • I normally don't make New Year Resolutions. I've never stuck to them before, so I haven't seen the point in the past years to do it. But, I've decided that my resolutions are my goals (short-term and long-term) for a healthier, happier life. Here they are:

    Learn to run again - I start my C25K tomorrow morning!
    Lose 5 lbs by the end of January
    And the big one? Run a 5K sometime around early summer

    I'm really excited about 2011! 2010 was rough for me - good riddance to it and I hope the big metal door smacks it in the butt on the way out. 41 minutes until the New Year! LOL
  • Mine is kinda goofy....but I want to have a hot, rockin' bod and by the end of the year land a role on True Blood so I can make out with Alexander Skarsgard on tv!

    Ok, maybe not, but at least get a hot, rockin' bod so I have a ton more confidence during auditions. :D

    Good luck to you!
    I know this will be an amazing year!
  • WOW this is the first time I've seen your ticker! You've lost so much on your face!! You must be thrilled :) Here's to a great 2011!!!

    My resolution is to cut out as much processed food as possible and to lower my sodium intake.
  • Awwww...*hugs* to you you sweetie! I am so proud to be your friend on here!!!! I am not going to lie...I have way more female friends on here than men. I have no idea why that is, except maybe a lot of men think a sight like this is not their style (sorry, guys, now offense)! But you know what? You should be proud that you are a enough of a "man" to decide that you were sick of living your life feeling tired and bummed out (like me :smile:) and wanted to make a BIG change in your life. I am so happy to be on this journey with you and so happy to shout out that you are my "MFP friend"! *HUGS* to you and best wishes for an awesome 2011! :drinker:
  • bushman124
    bushman124 Posts: 85 Member
    Wow, your picture does reflect a thinner face! Good for you. My New Year's resolution is to grab just as much joy out of next year as possible. :smile:
  • Congratulations on your weight loss!

    My resolutions:

    - Become a personal trainer.
    - Run the Pike's Peak Ascent.
    - Stay healthy.
    - Get my driver's license.
    - Save money.
    - Get married.
    - Kill Deathwing.

    May you attain all your current new year's resolutions!
  • goaliema
    goaliema Posts: 150 Member
    Good job! And as many have stated your face looks much slimmer! Keep up the good work and you will do it!
    I have made this "my year" and by reading..you have made this your "my year' too.

    looking forward to see your B&A pics at the end of the year.. And you must...post an after pic with lovely wife! Perhaps on the same bench if possible.

    All the best
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