Ok! S#!?$ about to get real! Lol

It is time! Have to get serious here. I am working on my 8th Round of Beachbody programs. I have done P90X 4 times, a P90X/Insanity hybrid round, Insanity & Brazil Butt Lift simultaneously, and 2 rounds of P90X3. Working out is the EASY part!
I just cannot seem to lock down my nutrition! It is very frustrating to work so hard and not get the results I wanted. Granted, I have lost 61 lbs from my highest weight & 50ish inches- of which, I am very proud. After 25 months, though, I really thought I'd be closer to my goal- But I have been stuck for Months!!
As I have about 60 more pounds to go, and am facing the quickly approaching holidays (which scares the heck out of me!) I seriously need some motivation and friends for accountability. So any advice or ideas for staying nutritionally motivated and accountable would be greatly appreciated. Feel free to add me!


  • knitapeace
    knitapeace Posts: 1,013 Member
    I hear you loud and clear!! I've lost about the same amount and have been in a plateau for months now. I workout hard and it makes me hungry! I'm trying to get more protein to see if that helps me eat less overall and start losing again. Best of luck with nailing down the nutrition part now!!
  • barclaybrown
    barclaybrown Posts: 2 Member
    How many calories are you eating per day? I am in awe of your fitness activities and your progress! One issue may be that as you train so much, your body becomes conditioned to those exercises and you get more efficient and able to do them better, faster, harder while burning less energy. The body is amazing like that. Insanity certainly helps by trying to get you to go "as fast as you can" and "dig deeper" so that you push no matter your fitness level. I suspect the key is somehow eating less. Here's one odd tip. I saw a study recently that said that exercising on an EMPTY stomach is much more effective at burning fat stores than when there's food in the system. The reason is that the body goes for the most available energy source which is recent food intake rather than fat stores. If I were you, I would find some way to get myself to eat fewer calories and see if that made any difference. One more oddball idea--peanuts. I heard someone say they have appetite-suppressing characteristics and if you snack on them you won't eat as much at meals because you won't be as hungry.