Simple resolutions for 2011

suckitup Posts: 95 Member
edited September 22 in Motivation and Support
I am looking for a simple resolution for this year.

A year ago today I had to go use my gift cards to buy "fat clothes". I was devistated to reach a size I never thought I'd see. After getting my clothes, I walked over to a Game Stop and bought a used Wii. The resolution on the way home was simple...screw everyone...I need to work on myself! :devil: It seemed so hard core and selfish. I never stopped being a mom or working any less to be there for others, but I MADE time to work out. I started with just walking at my kid's soccer practices, around the neighborhood, and using the Wii Fit after the kids went to bed.

I reached my goal months ago and have just tried to maintain. **I thought this was pretty easy until I gained 5lbs since early November.**

I want to hear your resolutions, wether they are for weighloss or something else. I have not yet chosen mine but am hoping for something simple and realistic.


  • ProTFitness
    ProTFitness Posts: 1,379 Member
    Set small goals instead of making a resolutuion. PS never feel guilty about working on yourself. It makes You a better You! When your happy you can be a better Mom, worker Wife ect. So put your Health and Happiness fist and all will be goo around you. :o}
  • suckitup
    suckitup Posts: 95 Member
    Set small goals instead of making a resolutuion. PS never feel guilty about working on yourself. It makes You a better You! When your happy you can be a better Mom, worker Wife ect. So put your Health and Happiness fist and all will be goo around you. :o}

    Thanks, family was very supportive once they could see the difference and it certainly did help me mentally! I like the small goal vs. full blown resolution approach.

    I think that maintaining my goal weight is important, but I also need to focus on the positive things in my life instead of festering on the negative. It has always been easy to worry about all of the little things in life. I need a full mindset change to fix that one. :wink:
  • kaye1122
    kaye1122 Posts: 5 Member
    I love the idea of simple resolutions...really, goals. I'm hesitant to make resolutions because in my 42 years I've never really kept them beyond a few days or weeks. I know I need to lose 65-70 lbs...but that's so overwhelming to think about. I need to menu plan, cook more, exercise more, drink more water, etc. Too many things to change! Not sure where to begin. I've been talking to my husband this morning about a gym schedule beginning next week.
  • I have a couple - but the most important to me is to complete at least 30 min of exercise every day. I know this sounds aggressive but I actually think this will be very easy. We often think of exercise has to be at a gym. I actually get burned out by going to the gym and i need to find other outlets of exercise. Our Wii has been a huge help - and this year one of my daughters got Just Dance 2 for Christmas and I love it!! I also got Jillian Michael's Ultimate Fitness 2010 while isn't great with the graphics etc I do like the various exercises and program. So it can be easy to find 30 min a day - you just need to be creative. Happy New Year everyone :flowerforyou:
  • mrmarler
    mrmarler Posts: 121 Member
    Well I have a few myself,
    1. 30lb off by May 29th 2011 (I wanna look HOT in my BIKINI again)
    2. Living Healthier - making better food choices
    3. working out minimum of 4 times a week
    4. Running 3 sanctioned 5Ks this year
  • suckitup
    suckitup Posts: 95 Member
    I have a couple - but the most important to me is to complete at least 30 min of exercise every day. I know this sounds aggressive but I actually think this will be very easy. We often think of exercise has to be at a gym. I actually get burned out by going to the gym and i need to find other outlets of exercise. Our Wii has been a huge help - and this year one of my daughters got Just Dance 2 for Christmas and I love it!! I also got Jillian Michael's Ultimate Fitness 2010 while isn't great with the graphics etc I do like the various exercises and program. So it can be easy to find 30 min a day - you just need to be creative. Happy New Year everyone :flowerforyou:

    I agree that you don't need a gym. ALL of my weight came off from the Wii Fit, walking the neighborhood and at soccer practices, and logging my food. I even walked our stairs for 10 minutes...thought that would kill me. It is doable.
  • Sigra
    Sigra Posts: 374 Member
    You're in a much better boat than I am!

    I lost a lot of weight back in 2007 weighed 145~ for over a year. Once I moved out of the house that had a scale I stopped paying attention and went back up to 190 without even realizing it! I've been there before so I know I can do it :( Just have to get that motivation back and keep on it now that I own a scale of my own and can keep track, and show awareness.
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