P90X Yoga question

Does anybody have any suggestions for an alternative to the Yoga X? I simply do not have the time to give an hour and a half to that workout. I fit my workouts in in the morning before work and I just barely fit in the hour long workouts. Help, please!


  • kylielouttit
    kylielouttit Posts: 512 Member
    Do the first 45min in the morning and the last 45 in the evening. Thats what I did.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,749 Member
    You could substitute a shorter yoga workout. I have a couple from Beachbody that are each about a half hour long: "Yoga Booty Ballet: Pure & Simple Yoga" and "Ho'Ala ke Kino: Awaken the Body," which is with Tony Horton. I'm sure there are plenty of non-BB Yoga workouts to choose from, but those are the two I'm familiar with. Also, and I know many P90Xers would consider this to be blasphemous, but you could do X Stretch instead of Yoga X. I did that for one of my three rounds, and I didn't feel like my overall workouts suffered for doing that. Man, I haven't done any yoga in a long time, but I think I will today. Thanks for the reminder.
  • glfprncs2
    glfprncs2 Posts: 625 Member
    IMO, the most important part of YogaX is the first 45 minutes...the rest is balance poses and simple stretching (which I understand are important as well, but I tend to skip if I'm limited on time).

    Sooo...if you've got 45 minutes, do the first half.

    Tony Horton also has two other, and shorter workouts, that are part of his One-on-One series, Fountain of Youth (45 minutes--very good) and Patience, Hummingbird (35 minutes--not as good but still 'something' if you're short on time).
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    I used to skip Yoga X sooo many times and went to the gym to jog. I would do X Stretch. But soon we bought the Tony Horton yoga DVD Ho'Ala ke Kino that he does in Hawaii. Also, many people love the Beachbody Fountain of Youth DVD. Just look it up on the Beachbody site. Those are both shorter Beachbody yoga DVD's.
  • stevenkuni
    Thanks for the suggestions everybody!
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,749 Member
    I didn't do it yesterday, but I busted out my "Pure & Simple Yoga" DVD today, and it was great!