Time to get back on track - needing friends

I'm looking for more friends to help me with my weight loss journey and my journey to becoming healthy once more.

My story is this. Two years ago, I separated from my ex wife and ended up getting a divorce. In the course of four months, I lost my marriage, my hone, my job and my car. The stress of the situation led me to drown my sorrow in food. Two years ago, I weighed 180 pounds, hiked, ran 10K races and worked out at least an hour a day.

But that stopped and over the course of two years I gained 100 pounds. I now weigh 280 pounds. The biggest I've ever been. I feel fatigue and barely ever want to get off the couch. Instead of taking my kids on fun adventures like we used to do in the past, I've gotten to where we just sit in my apartment when I have them and play video games.

This has to stop here. I have to be a role model for my kids and I don't want there impression of me 15 years from now to be that oh we went to daddy's and played video games while he sat in the recliner and drank beer.

That's not who I am or who I want to be.

I also got a kick in the butt last week. Doctor called me to tell me that I had abnormal bone density loss for a healthy 39 year old. The reason? Poor diet over the last two years and drinking too much.

I've since cut down on my drinking. That's now under control. I've started eating healthy again. I had the kids over the weekend and got off the couch to take them for a hike. I'm on my way. Now I just need the support of others to help me.