
Hi Everyone:

So, I guess I need to start lifting weights and getting my core stronger. I've never been a fan of weights, and its probably because I don't have much experience. Currently I am not a member of a gym. My apartment complex has a (small) fitness center with barbells (?) (The single-handed kinds of weight up to 55 lbs).

I guess what I am asking is, since I can't afford the gym right now, what sort of weight lifting stuff should i do? Links and stuff appreciated, or whatnot. Or you can call me a weenie and to suck it up and start doing stuff. I'll take either. :tongue:

(Edit: I guess someone just posted about the same thing, but I don't necessarily want to bulk up.)


  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,069 Member
    Use a beginner programme. I'm sure you could adapt starting strength or Stronglifts for dumbbells (that sounds like what you have). If you enjoyed it you could then invest in a barbell or gym membership. Or there are some free dumbbell programmes on bodybuilding.com.
  • uconnwinsnc1
    uconnwinsnc1 Posts: 902 Member
    You can use dumbbells for most exercises. For a beginner lifter I don't think you'll need more than 55lbs dumbbells.

    Presses, incline press, military press, bent over rows, goblet squats...There are plenty of things you can do. You can't bulk up unless you eat a lot and train intensely. Unless you are Captain America you aren't going to magically bulk up from a lifting routine.
  • Sallyllama
    Sallyllama Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks guys! I know that I won't become Captain America. I just don't know exercises to do. The bodybuilding site looks good, though. It seems to have some good ideas.
  • LoneWolf_70
    LoneWolf_70 Posts: 1,151 Member
    Google the "prison wrkout"...its all about using ur body weight.
  • Squats are great for losing body fat, depending on your fitness level, you might not even need weights. They will build up your leg and butt muscles, which will give you a solid core to do other exercises.

    If you haven´t lifted before, dumbbell military presses are a must as your shoulders need to be strengthened since they are used in most other upper body exercises.

    Guide to safe squats

  • DAaaMan64
    DAaaMan64 Posts: 8 Member
    If you want to get ANYTHING out of weight lifting you need to do a progressive overload program. All that means is slow increase the weight you do.

    Do yourself a favor and watch this video: http://youtu.be/Xe1mUGyUVqI?t=34s

    As 3laine75, finding a program on forum.bodybuilding.com is a good idea. "Squats are good for losing fat" & "You might not even need weights" is not good advice. HIt a beginner program with good nutrition and you won't recognize yourself in a year.
  • Sallyllama
    Sallyllama Posts: 5 Member
    I'm not scared of weights. I'm just weak. Like, REALLY. I just needed a good place to start. I appreciate ALL of this advice, though. :)
  • DAaaMan64
    DAaaMan64 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm not scared of weights. I'm just weak. Like, REALLY. I just needed a good place to start. I appreciate ALL of this advice, though. :)

    of course. Good luck with your goals. We all start somewhere.