Unconditional Support Group - January



  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Thought I might share my journey a little ... with pictures ... this makes it more real ...

    This was my 27th wedding anniversary. June 20, 2008 ... I weighed 230 lbs.

    Joined MFP in June of 2009 at about 208.5 lbs and the yo yo went down to ... This ... September 29, 2009 ... I weighed 180 lbs.


    Then this past year I let other things take over and I yo yo'ed back up to about 206 lbs ... then I got back on track and then ... This was today ... January 24, 2011 ... I weighed 198 lbs this morning. I'm heading down in weight again.

    It's good to be back to living a healthy lifestyle ... here's hoping there will be more and more lighter and healthier looking pictures in my future. Just want to thank you all for your support. All through my yo yo'ing my MFP family has always been there.
  • amj56
    amj56 Posts: 64 Member
    WoW, you look great! Yo yo has always been a problem for me. Emotional eater.

    You are doing great keep up the good work.

  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Hey everyone, I hope you're all doing well today. I'm off of work on another sick day ... what a waste of my time. They don't want my germy self near them. Oh well. As for me ... my lower abdomen is a bit sore from all the sneezing I've been doing ... I may have to count it on my exercise diary. How many carories do you burn sneezing? Things that make you go hmmmm.

  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Hi everyone: It's a new day. Everyone got some great plans for this week? I've had a good weekend. Had a date night with my hubby on Saturday, had a nice little visit with my sister and her family yesterday, and finally went to the doctor about my sinus problems. Nothing like a couple of embarrassing nose bleeds to make you take action. I'm on a strong antibiotic now which I take once a day for 15 days. Hoping that will work so I can get back to the gym. My week of eating and such really wasn't as controlled as it should have been but I did make a point of doing at least 20 minutes of some kind of exercise every day (which really was strenuous with the sinus thing going on) and it seems to have helped. Stepped on the scale this morning and I'm down a bit.

    Well I'm off to get things tidied up here, I've got a guy coming over to install some contraption so I will now have high speed wireless internet ... unlimited ... woo hoo!! I'll pop back on later.

  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000