Opinions/Advice Please

The summer has been a bummer exercise and food-wise. I slowed down a lot on my progress. I had a friend in the hospital that died within 30 days that I’d go visit. My mom broke a toe, which meant I had to take her to doctor appointments. We went out of town a couple of times on long weekends and didn’t really mind what we ate. Then it got ridiculously hot! So I didn’t go outside at all! And of course, I wasn’t logging accurately or getting my exercise in. Before I knew it summer is now over officially and I have no additional weight loss to show for the last three months.

I regularly walk (5 miles broken up into two sessions, 4 times a week - smaller walks on weekends) and workout on an elliptical at home (I aim for at least 30 min.) and eat pretty much a regular diet. I don’t deprive myself. I just work out a little longer to make room for the extra food I want to enjoy. I drink a lot of water and get enough sleep - about 8 hours each night. This style works for me.

I went to see a nutritionist over the weekend just to see if I could get back on track with some additional advice. She said there wasn't anything she could tell me that I wasn't already doing. She said that I needed to aim for a pound a week lost for healthy weight loss. If more happens, great! If not, I at least got that one pound off.

So my question to you all is: If I'm doing everything correctly, then why continue to go see her?

I said accountability at first, but I have that with a friend and my husband. They see everything I eat and they are the ones doing the work with me. (Both have lost weight and inches since November of 2013 when we started)

Should I continue doing what I’m doing or should I go check in once a month? It’s going to cost me a few dollars to just go in and get weighed. That’s really all it is.

Thanks for your advice!


  • hortensehildegarde
    I don't see any reason to go back if you don't think it will give you any more information than you already have.

    Congratulations on maintaining and not gaining even though it was a "bummer" exercise and food wise! Sounds like if you just tidy up the few areas you already know about the loss will start again.
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    A visit or two can be useful, but I can't imagine a reason to keep seeing a nutritionist. Sounds like you know what to do. :)
  • Aug1212
    Aug1212 Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you all for your input. It's always good to see what others have to say. :flowerforyou:
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    The only reasons I know would be if what you're doing isn't working, if you had a bunch of questions or if your diet has changed and you need help for the new diet.

    If you're supposed to go, then go. But if you just went because you felt like it and now you don't feel like it, don't go.