Calorie Breakdown

So I am looking for advice of the calorie breakdown of my meals and throughout the day. I'm not sure if my calorie breakdown was created specifically for me or someone with my body type, or if it generalized.

I know MFP suggest 50% Carbohydrates, 30% Fat, and 20% Protein, which from my previous experience with nutritionists and nutrition courses that sounds pretty basic and general for someone "starting out"

I was wondering if anyone has any tips or meal/snack ideas that follow the breakdown that MFP suggests. I would really appreciate it.


Peace :)


  • Ali_momof2
    Ali_momof2 Posts: 478 Member
    If you're using what MFP gave you I think they are just generalized. You can go into your goal settings and tweek things how you would like them. You may want to change things to fit you better such as I upped my protein when Istarted lifting weights. Someone doing a low carb diet may want to lower the carbs. I also switched out the sugar for fiber because I know I'm going to go over the sugar ( I have a sweet tooth, that's just me) and I want to make sure I get enough fiber, ( keeps you fuller longer).
    Then I try to plan ahead. I do much better when I am at work I know whatI have to eat, I weigh and measure my breakfast lunches and snacks. I also keep extra snacks at my desk that are healthier so I have no reaso to go to the vending machine. I try to keep more calories open for my dinner also because I know I'm going to eat a bigger meal when I'm home with the kids and If I eat too little I'll be looking for snacks when they go to bed. And yes it can be a lot more time consuming to measure & weigh and plan head but it also make me more aware of what I'm eating. I am far from perfect, I still like my sweets & a drink here & there but I make room for it. I'm also more relaxed on weekends, have some cookies just not the whole container. My diary is open, feel free to have a look. I hope this was a little helpful. :smile:
  • tehmurphygrace
    A little helpful. It's good to know that I can adjust my preferences in settings. I figure then to know what would work best for me is to see a nutritionist or physician (or both!) and discuss my goals more thouroughly. And for the most part I weigh and plan out most of my meals already and I know to keep healthy snacks around (I like to keep a mix of raw almonds, pistachios, and pumpkin seeds near me at all times).
    I guess my question was more specific meal ideas for this kind of breakdown, but if users can adjust their settings, I guess no one is really in the same boat.
    I will definitely take the fiber tip into consideration, especially since I love baking and also have a sweet tooth. Do you usually just substitute fruits and veggies, or do you go for more whole grains as well? Typically, I'm not a bread eater, I like to go for more unrefined grains like, brown rice, quinoa (even though it's technically a seed), and whole oats.
  • Ali_momof2
    Ali_momof2 Posts: 478 Member
    I like breads but I don't have to have them, and when I do I go for the whole grains and lower carb stuff. I try to stay away from the white breads & rice. I eat a lot of proteins. I've been trying to get it through my brain that I don't need side dishes ( rices, pasta that type of stuff) with my dinner. I can have just meet & veggies. I also like to make a big pot of chicken & veggies or ground turkey & veggies and I can season it how I want and that will be my luches for the week. Using Canned or fresh dices tomatos ( no salt added kind)is much better for you than a jar of tomato sauce. And once the big chucnks of veggies cook down its not much different than if I had rice or pasta in it. Sometimes I make it spicey like southwestern style, sometimes more like an Italian style. But a serving size comes out to be around 200-250 calories and its filling.
    When I bake I subsitite the oils for apple sauce and the sugar (if I can for splenda) the apple sauce makes cookies a bit cakey but its still good.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I don't cut out any one thing. This has to be a lifestyle change for me, I'm sick of regaining the weight I lost.

    On that note, my meals are planned around protein, fat & then fiber. Carbs - just happen. From experience I know that protein, fat, and fiber are filling. You will have to experiment to see what satiates you best.

    I try to eat more "whole" foods and less processed one. Whole foods keep more of their nutrients. Veggies are always great fillers. I love fruit, it has lots of fiber. Since I don't have medical issues, I don't worry about carbs or sugar. Getting enough protein is one of the keys to helping me maintain lean muscle while eating less.

    Eat the foods you like and log them. You will see where you need to make changes. This is a learning experience.