Expert Advice Needed!!



  • Debbjones
    Debbjones Posts: 278 Member
    It is so important to keep a food diary and track the food you consume. You think you might be eating a small handful of nuts (healthy food... right?) but that small handful of nuts while high in protein is high in calories.

    Seriously though, this is not the place to go to get EXPERT help. Your physician is the best source of expert help and following his/her advise is essential for your improved health.

    Back to tracking and measuring your food... I have said it it before and I will say it again... the nutritional content on food labels is not completely accurate. The FDA allows theses numbers to have a variance. Measuring your food, yes is good... daily logging to keep track of what you consume is essential for some folks (so yes there is a point of daily logging for some people just to help them stay on track), but all the numbers when added up are an approximation. Weighing and measuring food, then using the information on the nutritional label as your nutritional guidance... is not an exact science.

    All of that said (and seriously I don't want to sound mean... :smile:); when I read your reply to some of the suggestions I hear excuses, reasons to not give their suggestions a try or reasons why when you did try, it did not work for you. It sounds to me like a bit of your struggles are in your ability to accept you CAN work through your health issues and achieve your goal. Again, this is something I speculate based on your replies.

    I seriously suggest you speak with your medical professional and nutritionist. I think your best guidance, based on your health condition, will come from a professional.

    Bottom line here is you sound like a strong person who can do this... you just need to come up with the best plan (way) to accomplish your goal. Good luck to you! :smile:
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member

    "Most weight loss occurs because of decreased caloric intake.
    However, evidence shows the only way to maintain weight loss is to be engaged in regular physical activity."

    Goal setting, including weight, calories, and macros

    Exercise basics

    Sleep enough

    Eating higher protein & lower carbs leads to more weight loss
    Try 45% carbs, 20% fat, 35% protein

    Eat about half your calories for breakfast
    (see the last half of this post for the studies)

    Motivation & encouragement (explained in blog post)

    - Set small intermediate goals & celebrate every one.
    - Take measurements.
    - Take pictures.
    - Weigh yourself regularly.
    - Be flexible; forgive yourself.
    - Celebrate the non-scale victories (NSV's)
    - Don't give up!!!!
    - Don't make any food forbidden.
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    I'm having trouble figuring out where you're starting.
    At one place you say you're 320, but your ticker says you want to lose 250, which would leave you at 70 lb.
    Unless you're under 5' tall, that's not reasonable.

    Since you're starting off so heavy, you can lose 2 lb a week.
    To do that, cut 1000 cal from what you're eating now (which is 10x your current weight, or 3200).

    Here's a BMI chart to help you find your healthy goal weight:
    To start, just aim for the top number in the green range. Once you get there, you can fine-tune it, see how you feel; maybe you'll want to stay there, maybe you'll want to lose another 10 lb.

    This calculator will tell you not only your BMI, but how many servings of various foods to eat to maintain that weight.
    If you enter your healthy goal weight from above, this will help you plan your food intake.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    Re: swimming pool slipping - try getting a pair of shammies (the little towels you can wring out) and put them under your feet then scoot over to the edge. They are super grippy on wet surfaces.
  • Mistri305
    Thank you all for the replies and I appreciate the links...I will definitely check them out. I hesitated to post here for obvious reasons, but when I look up fitness forums this is where it leads me. I won't write another wall of texts after this. I was completely honest in that first post and I am not making excuses..if I would have listened to the doctors, I would have been wheelchair bound 15 years ago. None of them listen to me when it comes to my diet. I take a wide variety of supplements and eat as healthy as possible in order to make my nerves continue to work. At this point, I am just trying to find a way to get my body to burn calories. My condtion is progressive and will only get worse and that wheelchair will come one day..but not yet. I've never been over 320, but I fear becoming completely immobile will take me up to 400. I was hoping someone with exercise experience could possibly offer suggestions based on my abilities. Thank you to those who tried to help..I really aprreciate it;))

    As far as tracking and food labels...everything I eat is plant based. The only food labels that I have to read are vinegars, oils, canned fish, the packing on my turkey(I grind it myself for ground turkey), organic chicken or eggs, and the occasional dairy products or store bought raw nuts. I try to get them right off the tree like everything else I put into my body. The seafood I eat comes right out of the ocean. For almost everything I eat, I have to look up the ingredients and add them up. I do not eat out, nor do people cook for me. I don't eat anything out of a packages or cans (other than sardines or tuna), nor do I eat anything frozen. Maybe I am missing something in my computing. I will keep trying to find answers. Thank you!
  • MandaLeigh123
    MandaLeigh123 Posts: 351 Member
    Going to keep mine short :-) I have to be careful about over training bc I have a joint condition in which my hips and knees are severely affected. So a couple of times a week I do upper body cardio only. I do it at home, on the edge of my couch. Your supposed to do each exercise for three minutes then switch but for me, I can barely make it 1 minute before I need to switch! So I cycle through it three times. I use a heart rate monitor and make sure I work hard enough that it stays up. Some of these exercises turn my shoulders into fire so I'll skip them the third cycle and repeat an easier exercise. I am slowly getting better. Not expert advice but it's an alternative exercise anyway. That youtuber has a lot of exercises to do in bed. I'm sorry to hear of your struggles. Sounds very frustrating.
    Edit: here is the link!
  • Mistri305
    Thank you for the pool shammy advice..I don't want to sound like I am making excuses but it's a little more complicated than that. I cannot stand on my legs without AFOs, so being able to get up is the issue there. I am unable to climb the few pool stairs so I always sat at the bottom and scooted up to the edge..even with a chair and a walker waiting for me..I still had numerous falls and after hitting my head I pool edges several times I decided it might not be a good idea. I will push for them to offer that wheelchair lift on a regular issues there, once I am in I am good. I still burn few calories while swimming but it does offer my muscles a chance to get a good stretch. I have no balance except for when I am in the pool, it's the only place I can pretend to dance, run, stand on my tiptoes, etc. The pool truly makes me feel like I can do anything;))
  • Mistri305
    Thank you for the pool shammy advice..I don't want to sound like I am making excuses but it's a little more complicated than that. I cannot stand on my legs without AFOs, so being able to get up is the issue there. I am unable to climb the few pool stairs so I always sat at the bottom and scooted up to the edge..even with a chair and a walker waiting for me..I still had numerous falls and after hitting my head I pool edges several times I decided it might not be a good idea. I will push for them to offer that wheelchair lift on a regular issues there, once I am in I am good. I still burn few calories while swimming but it does offer my muscles a chance to get a good stretch. I have no balance except for when I am in the pool, it's the only place I can pretend to dance, run, stand on my tiptoes, etc. The pool truly makes me feel like I can do anything;))

    I do regular stretching and have found several good exercises on YouTube...I suppose that I am getting some benefit but I'm definitely not burning calories:((
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Could you edit your post into paragaphs?

    I have no clue what you were trying to convey.
  • Mistri305
    Yea..sorry about that but I can't help it. My fingers dont work so I am left with a thumb on the iphone or dictation to text software and neither seems to use the spaces that I added. I was able to break up the original post and there is an edited version somewhere in that thread, it's not giving me an edit option on the original post. It took me an hour to add those spaces and I just can't do it any better. I'm hoping my iphone 6 plus comes soon as it has a bigger screen and should make these things much easier for me;)) Sorry for the inconvenience!
  • Mistri305
    Can someone please tell me how to delete this thread....