Knee-Friendly Cardio & Leg Exercises

Hey guys!

I've had knee problems, particularly on one side, since I was in my teens, but after my pregnancy it got pretty bad. I get the most pain when going too frequently between straight and bent (high knees, butt kickers, etc. are virtually impossible). It's aggravated by standing for too many hours or high-impact stuff (if I am an idiot and think I can do jumping jacks and totally be okay).

This rules out a lot of the workout videos I try to incorporate to keep active. I've tried doing easier exercises during their harder ones, but I feel like I'm not getting the most out of my workout and my heart rate is dipping (or I don't feel "done" afterward, if it's a strength workout). I know that the stronger my legs are, and the more weight I lose, the easier life in general will be for my knees...

So does anyone have suggestions on what exercises I can do to get my heart rate pumping without killing my knees, or to strengthen my legs without doing ten minutes of bend/straighten/bend/straighten? I CAN do squats - it's when I go further than a right angle that it really kills me. Right now I do a little dancing (like stuff derived from zumba, where there's a lot of moving but not a lot of jumping or up/down), walking, pilates, and general strength stuff like squats, releves, toe raises, plies, etc. Got any new ideas to keep my workouts interesting and maximize their efficiency?

Thanks in advance!
