Height fluctuation?

Alright here's the thing .. I'm 5'6 atm and 5 months ago I went to the doctor and was 5'7 and I did a lot of pull ups and dips .. Now I'm 5'5 but I've recently been doin bf a lot of squating and not so much pulls it dips.. Is there any correlation between the workouts and my height??


  • From my understanding, there shouldn't be. If you're young and still growing, strength training should actually increase your height. If you're an adult and have stopped growing, there should be no effect on your long bones. Maybe there were just some irregularities at your doctor (different measuring tool, different person doing the measuring, you wearing different shoes, slouching vs standing up)?
  • truddy6647
    truddy6647 Posts: 519 Member
    generally most people lose about an inch as the age but your profile says you are 19............something is off here you should not be losing height. when you have someone measure your height make sure you take off your shoes that way fluctuation in height due to shoes is removed. Most dr offices that I have worked at us a tool for measuring height that comes down and hits the top of your head but if your heels are not back as far or close to the wall as you can get them the measurement can fluctuate as well.
  • lishie_rebooted
    lishie_rebooted Posts: 2,973 Member
    My height fluctuated almost 2in within 5min because the nurse had no clue how to properly measure a person.
  • Madame_Goldbricker
    Madame_Goldbricker Posts: 1,625 Member
    The average height of a person decreases, on average, 15mm over the course of the day. This is equal to about a 1% loss of height from morning to evening.

    Why does this occur. The answer is that the intervertebral discs, or spinal discs, are composed largely of water. The discs rest between the spinal bones, or vertabrae. These intervertebral disca are compressed as we stand and walk--it is our own body weight that compresses the intervertebral disc. When you sleep at night, the compressive pressure is relieved, and the discs expand again.
    **Jonathan Cluett, M.D.
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    My height fluctuated almost 2in within 5min because the nurse had no clue how to properly measure a person.

    This is all too often the case. Either that or a person stands differently at each measurement resulting in differing heights.