Tips for dealing with particularly stressful days

I have always struggled with depression and anxiety. This has contributed a lot to my weight gain; in the past, I almost always dealt with these things by comfort eating.

Since I have been eating "cleaner"/"healthier" and exercising for the last few months I have noticed a huge increase in my mental state and my ability to deal with stress. However, this week has been particularly difficult, more than a few extra bumps in the road if you will. And stress is definitely my trigger. The past couple days I have had to be extra focused to not fall back into old, safe, familiar, bad habits. Luckily I have kept on track pretty well, but I am moving into a stressful season in my work-life, so I know that this increased stress level might not be temporary.

I recognize that eating healthy and exercising ARE helping me tremendously with dealing with stress and maintaining a positive head space. And I also find that meditation can help with this (though when I am extra stressed, it is hard to find the motivation to meditate.)

Anyone else have any advice or tips for staying on track/keeping a positive head space when dealing with particularly stressful circumstances?


  • Basilin
    Basilin Posts: 360 Member
    I don't have much of a solution for you but I'm in the same boat and anxious to see what the replies will be.
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    I've never struggled with depression or anxiety, but when I am stressed, I make to do lists. I break everything into steps and pieces and knock things out one at a time. I give myself rewards for dealing with stuff on the list I didn't want to do. They're always non-food rewards, like, "Once I take care of the mail pile, I will give myself a face mask and watch TV.

    Cardio can be a great stress reliever, if you can get away for a little from whatever is stressing you.

    My mantra in life is that you can't control how other people act, but you can control how you react. Only you can give someone permission to upset you.
  • Adc7225
    Adc7225 Posts: 1,318 Member
    I have a few tricks that seem to help me avoid stress eating.

    Log what you are planning on eating before you eat, this usually helps me forget about when I look at the calories - you can even close out your diary for the day and the pop-up window telling you how much you would in 5 weeks of eating like today is a real reality check for me.

    If the calories can fit into your day, tell yourself that you will wait 10 minutes, sort of plan the meal out in your head, or do a small task first . . . I tend lose interest and then pass on whatever it was I thought I needed.

    I will at times bargain with myself, I can have that after I eat this - usually a decent lunch or dinner then I can have my snack, eating a decent meal seems to pacify the need to junk food most of the time.

    There are times when you also just need to go for it, in most cases I regret it usually because as much as I think whatever it is going to make me feel better it doesn't work.

    If you have a stressful period coming up now would be the time to gather some snacks that are good for your - trail mix or even pre-portioned goodies this way you can have something when that need for mindless munching comes up but not over due things and avoid some guilt.

    Trust me you are not alone in this battle!
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    Stress is the biggest thing that triggers my anxiety. Exercise, hands-down, works the best for me. Even if I don't have time for a full workout, just walking outside for 10 minutes works wonders.

    I've been trying to work on meditating, but it's a real challenge for me. I just have to make myself do it. I try to get into the habit before periods of stress, because if I wait until after a few stressful days, it's really difficult to get it going.