I joined a gym and I am scared to death!

Well, I made the commitment and joined a gym, and now I am scared to death! Sign up fee, etc was $99.99, plus $29.99, then there is $19.99 per month. And it is a one year contract. And I am scared to death! Part of me says "I could walk outside for free. I could do my Wii exercises for free." But my family interrupts me ALL THE TIME when I am home trying to exercise. I need to push myself. So I thought "maybe if I get out of the house." Well, too late now. I'm in, right?!

I am SO out of shape, besides the need to lose weight. I am very intimidated, but a trainer will show me how to use the equipment. So I need to push myself and get excited! I want to be able to say "I'm going to the gym." I want to lift weights and get stronger. I want to be able to jog on a treadmill. I know it is going to take a while. But I just signed on the dotted line, gave them my credit card and committed myself for a year. OMG, why am I panicking?

OK. Deep breaths. I am going tomorrow in the morning and just walk on a treadmill for 30 minutes just to get there and "do" something and get comfortable. No big deal, right?


  • VelveteenArabian
    VelveteenArabian Posts: 758 Member
    Right - no big deal!

    Bring some headphones in case you want to listen to music or if you can plug in to a TV. Or bring a book if you can ride a bike and read at the same time.

    Half the battle is showing up.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Yeah! Just go! I've been going on and off since high school, except for last year. When I needed to get back into it I told myself "just go and get on a bike and read a magazine like the people you used to think were crazy for not working hard enough". Anyway, not a huge burn but it was relaxing and got me back into it. Now I'm a gym rat.

    Oh, and I see you're a fellow Penn Stater?
  • Adc7225
    Adc7225 Posts: 1,318 Member

    Just take your time, I find that the gym is my time for me away from 'home' :wink:

    Talk to the trainer, tell them what you need and that you are just starting and plan to work your way up to jogging and working with weights, sometimes they will go over things that are way over your head and leave you intimated and never wanting to come back.

    Good luck and do not be intimated by others - I honestly love it when I see new faces at the gym and people who are just starting out it makes me want to cheer them on make sure they keep come back!

    Just remember everyone had a first day at the gym :smile:
  • techgal128
    techgal128 Posts: 719 Member
    Yep. No big deal at all. I'll walk right over to the weight training machines and just sit my fat a** right down. lol

    People are very supportive. I remember walking back to the locker room one time and my eyes were killing me. I was rubbing them so they were all red and watery. A guy said to me while I was walking by: "don't worry, it gets better." At first I was confused until I realized he thought I was crying! It was super sweet.
  • ysienkiewicz
    ysienkiewicz Posts: 86 Member
    Yeah! Just go! I've been going on and off since high school, except for last year. When I needed to get back into it I told myself "just go and get on a bike and read a magazine like the people you used to think were crazy for not working hard enough". Anyway, not a huge burn but it was relaxing and got me back into it. Now I'm a gym rat.

    Oh, and I see you're a fellow Penn Stater?

    Oh yes! I am a HUGE Penn State Fan! Going to Homecoming game this weekend. I was in the Blue Band!
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Yeah! Just go! I've been going on and off since high school, except for last year. When I needed to get back into it I told myself "just go and get on a bike and read a magazine like the people you used to think were crazy for not working hard enough". Anyway, not a huge burn but it was relaxing and got me back into it. Now I'm a gym rat.

    Oh, and I see you're a fellow Penn Stater?

    Oh yes! I am a HUGE Penn State Fan! Going to Homecoming game this weekend. I was in the Blue Band!

    Cool! I'm not a huge sports fan so I've never been to a game but I did my Music degree there :)
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Similar situation. Been using a calorie app for almost a year now...only started exercising a bit last week. Just starting slow ( 20-30 min on treadmill 3-4 times a week with a little Nautilus on upper body); I'll consider tweaking things in a couple weeks. Right now, I need to get in the habit of showing up. Good luck to you.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Yep. No big deal at all. I'll walk right over to the weight training machines and just sit my fat a** right down. lol

    People are very supportive. I remember walking back to the locker room one time and my eyes were killing me. I was rubbing them so they were all red and watery. A guy said to me while I was walking by: "don't worry, it gets better." At first I was confused until I realized he thought I was crying! It was super sweet.

    lol at all of this.
  • InnocentLunatic
    InnocentLunatic Posts: 35 Member
    I just joined a gym about 2.5 weeks back and my advice to you is-- start with the less scary equipment and low weights.

    I'd actually recommend a stationary cycle or rowing machine over the treadmill as there's a lower chance of injury(and I usually find that pacing my breathing is easier on them, wheras if I try to run I totally forget how to breath and wipe out in five minutes, but that's me).

    Talking to the trainer is also a good idea, let them know that you want to focus on form the first few times with your strength training. And don't ever feel pressured to do as much as the person next to you or more than you are comfortable doing. Running at 4 mph is still better than sitting on the couch, doing exercises with 5 lb weights is better than not doing any exercise at all. And make sure that you give yourself a day between strength work outs, and don't overdo it if you know you need to be able to use your muscles the next day(remember: lower intensity workout is better than no work outs). But I try to make myself go to the gym to just do cardio in between strength training, as A) it's exercise and B) it gets me into the habit of coming to the gym regularly. I also usually do about 15 minutes on the bike before my workout to get the blood flowing, and then I do another 10 minutes of cardio after, usually the rowing machine. I find I don't get as sore the next day if I do a little cardio afterwards ;)

    If there is a machine that just truly flat out terrifies you, don't use it. Ask what muscles it works out and if there is an alternative exercise you can do. There usually is.

    Your first workout will probably make you feel like death, but you'll find that after even your first week things will be much easier, and then you'll be able to workout harder. Also don't eat 30 mins before your first workout(Just saying your body might stretch in ways it's not used to and you might use muscles you haven't in awhile and you don't want to get an upset tummy during it all), and try to get some protein afterwards, and stay hydrated.
  • catb58
    catb58 Posts: 239 Member
    I was really nervous when I first started. It didn't help that the trainer didn't seem to take me seriously....until I was done and he apologized and told me that he'd misjudged. Now if I'm not there at least 3 or 4 times a week, I feel like I'm letting myself down. I recognize people there by sight and we nod, but I'm not a talker when I'm there. I go and get into my own little world and work my butt off. I've dropped 2 sizes so far. I stand taller, hold my head higher and just feel good all over since I started going to the gym.

    Go and enjoy!!
  • JMCD86
    No biggie, just get yourself comfortable in the setting first, at my old gym I had started off with the easy things, as that was what I was comfortable, then BAM! I'm in the Ga-doosh section with the big boys a couple of months later...I'm a 158cm (5'2") girl...... Lifting more than some of the guys there, now I am more comfortable in that section than the cardio :)

    Go at your own pace, do what you feel comfortable and you will find that most gyms have a good and supportive culture
  • DvlDwnInGA
    DvlDwnInGA Posts: 368 Member
    You have got to treat it like prison. Go in, find the biggest, ugliest, meanest guy there and whoop his *kitten*. After that it gets easier.
  • giggitygoo
    giggitygoo Posts: 1,978 Member
    No worries! It's just a room full of machines =) No reason to be nervous about it.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    No worries! It's just a room full of machines =) No reason to be nervous about it.

    Actually, when you put it that way...
  • Christi102012
    Christi102012 Posts: 87 Member
    My husband and I also just joined a gym but I'm also starting a C25K running routine with a friend 3 days a week. Other than treadmills, elliptical machines and other "leg" stuff I have no idea what I'm doing. I ran this evening so I shouldn't do anything working my legs tomorrow right?
  • AJSenatore
    AJSenatore Posts: 1 Member
    I thought about joining a Gym but my goal was to loose excess weight. so, I focused on cardiovascular workouts. I walk and run about 10 miles daily three times a week. I also diet using the food diary which is part of this program. I have lost 25 lbs in 13 weeks and feel good about my results and my endurance with the workout. Maybe later on I'll work on strength training where using weights will help out. My initial goal is to reach 165lbs and then 155lbs by the end of Nov. I am at 169 lbs now. I recommend you do the cardiovascular workouts and Use Atkins products like their meal bars and shakes. I like their breakfast entrees and found them tasty and satisfying my appetite. Have sport drinks with you while you workout their better than water alone. Smart water, propel and power aide are all good and work too. Good Luck!
  • blankiefinder
    blankiefinder Posts: 3,599 Member
    I just started at the gym Aug. 7th, and am down 11 pounds so far. What I do is hook up to the wifi at the gym and watch a tv show while riding the exercise bike on a hill program, and start and end the session with a 3 minute walk/run. At first I would walk 20 seconds, run 10, but now I can run a minute! I know that will sound stupid to many, but with my asthma, it feels like a huge accomplishment. I also do a bit of weights every day, as I would like to make sure that I am toning up, not just losing weight.

    Best of luck, and don't give up! If it was easy, we'd all be skinny, but just keep your eye on your goals, and focus ahead.

    PS, I use visualization to help me. I just visualize a lump the size of a pound of butter for every pound I lose. So when I lose one, I picture that pound stuck on the front of my stomach, thigh etc, and realize what an accomplishment to have lost it.
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    you don't need Atkins products or sports drinks. Water is great for workouts and I would recommend asking the trainer about weights and not waiting until later to do strength training
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    No worries! It's just a room full of machines =) No reason to be nervous about it.

    I keep saying that- and it just never seems to sink in LOL

    just have a plan- write down what you want to do- and then go do it.
  • ChasingMyBliss
    ChasingMyBliss Posts: 803 Member
    Good for you! I think going in the first week and doing some of the cardio machines is a good way to get more comfortable.

    I would also recommend trying to get a basic weight lifting plan. There are lots available online. Going in with a written plan of the lifts I wanted to do helped me feel a bit more focused. That way I didn't go in and stare at the machines wondering where to start. I had a plan, and I followed it. The weight lifting really changes your body composition faster that cardio alone.

    I think you will find that most people at the gym will be friendly and supportive. It's like someone above said, everyone has a first day. Get into a routine, and you will eventually learn to crave your time there. You will feel better in body and mind.

    Good luck! Go kick your booty into gear!!! ;-)