Let's get real, yeah its long

After losing sleep last night thinking about what I have failed to accomplish in the last 9 months of 2014 I have decided to
switch into positive thinking mode.

Personally, I am a bit of procrastinator but that has never stopped me from accomplishing goals
like getting a scholarship, earning my Bachelors degree or most recently getting my real estate license.
Weight loss goals, in my experience, have always seemed more elusive. Simply put, I am no longer cool with that. I turned 25 in April of this year and I set a few goals.
* Get my real estate license
* Run a 5k in 35 minutes or less ( running is a weak point for me)
* Obtain a healthy BMI which for me is 141 lbs on the highest end

Well, one out 3 isn't going to cut it. Now notice that I mentioned these goals were set in April, not January like most resolutions, I think of my new year starting with a new age I guess. In this last quarter of 2014 I will meet my second goal of running a 5k in 35 minutes or less, this is realistic. losing 35 lbs ( I am currently 175) in the next 3 months is not as realistic. Losing 35 lbs by April of 2015 is more than realistic. But focusing on this calender year I have decided on a more specific weight loss goal of 15 lbs.

As of August 9th 2014 I am officially two years sober from a decade long battle with bulimia nervosa. I am grateful to my supportive family and friends in OA as well as this site for giving me a supportive community and an safe outlet from a life of isolation that is an eating disorder. As my mind, body and spirit have and continue to heal, the scale is still reflecting an unhealthy number, In the past two years of my journey from the dark side into the bright, lively world of a healthier lifestyle I have gained 15 pounds. I would be lying to say the old unhealthy destructive habits of bulimia aren't tempting at times but I have made that a non option. I am determined to healthily lose these 15 lbs by the end of 2014. I am thinking of this as a Christmas gift to myself.

I feel more positive reflecting on where I have come from and focusing on where I can realistically and healthily be at the end of 2014. Plus I have some cute jeans that aint gonna fit with out shedding the extra pounds.

The next event for me is Halloween.I am going as Rocket Racoon from Gaurdians of the Galaxy.
My non scale goals between now and then
* no alcohol or soda
* 5 times a week work out
* 2 times a week yoga/stretch work
* log everything, every day

Thank you for listening.

Your Very own Fitness Pal,
Connor Lynne


  • libby2208
    libby2208 Posts: 41 Member
    Logging everything is very empowering. It also helps if you can track your mood or triggers when you reach for that "comfort" food.

    Good luck with everything. I'm sure you have this in hand!
  • shanteel612
    shanteel612 Posts: 434 Member
    Good way to view your journey. Good that you set reAlistic goals. You definately have been going strong and can do it.