More than one weight bar for lifting??

Okay, before I start this post I will admit that I'm lazy. It is super annoying and time consuming to have to remove and replace weights after every exercise. I hate that part more than the workout itself! lol. My question is are some of you using more than one bar and preloading weights per exercise to save time? I've been using only one bar for the longest, I finally have two. So now instead of reloading a bar I can just go to another prepared station so to speak. Feel like I may need a another still! The reason this is a issue is because of course each exercise takes different weights. My deadlifts are much heavier than my rows for example. So if i do deadlfits first I have to remove most of the weight and then move into rows and then start the process again for the next exercise. Luckily I am still a beginner so I am only doing three or 4 exercises right now. There has got to be an efficient way to do this. Maybe I can start from smallest to heaviest exercise so that I am building and not having to remove weight between exercise. Or maybe heavy to light. I'm not sure. However, as I get more advance and add more exercises. this may not work. Just looking for input, especially from those that have been doing it awhile. Is this just a con of lifting? I hope I'm making sense.


  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    I workout at home and only have one bar. I use rest time between sets for loading/unloading plates.

    I just re-read your post and wonder if you are doing, for example, one set of deadlifts, followed by one set of rows, then back to deadlifts or maybe onto another exercise? If so then yes, it would mean lots of changing. If this is the case why not do all your sets of deads together, then all sets of rows.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Do one lift.


    Do another lift.

    If you're doing a different lift while "resting" the first...
    when I do that I keep a second bar, generally do that while squatting.

    I'll squat, then go to a bar set up for deadlift and deadlift. Assuming it isn't busy. I'd be a **** if I did that while it was busy.
  • natecooper75
    natecooper75 Posts: 72 Member
    I think that an extra bar other than one that is for a specific purpose is a waste of money. They do make bars that are specific for squat and deadlift that make sense to use in some cases if you have the money to buy those. I think it comes with the territory that the bar has to be unloaded and loaded. Just consider it extra cardio.