The "No time to work out blues."

walkinghost Posts: 5
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
Hi, I'm new,.. Anybody else have a crazy shedule that leaves you little or no time for yourself? I've always been slim and athletic all my life. 15 extra pounds really holds me back, and I am too old to slack off and expect to get it back quickly. I'd love to hear from teachers, doctor,s and other professionals who give it all during the work day and have nothing left at the end of the day...


  • NanBar
    NanBar Posts: 283 Member get up at 4 or 5 and do it then. It is all about choices...if you want to change you will find the time.
    (Sorry I am ALL about tough love)
  • I just started a career in the medical field and It leaves me with very little energy by the time my 10 hour shift is over and travel time back home.. So I started getting up 40 minutes early and doing my workout at home.. My energy level has risen and I am feeling so much better.. I had to quit making excuses that I didnt have time and just do
    Best of luck to you!
  • Silky815
    Silky815 Posts: 367 Member
    Hello and welcome to MFP. I want to wish you good luck with your goals. I can't say I have a busy schedule, but there is always something to keep me from walking, which is my workout. Right now, it is the weather that is keeping me indoors. I keep telling myself how important this is to my body and my life. Feel free to add me as a friend. And again..Welcome and good luck.
  • I'm new to this and I am ready for a change!
  • I always work out first thing in the morning. I know that I won't do it after work........
  • addman72
    addman72 Posts: 220
    I struggle for time on workdays and been a shift worker just adds to that. I also dont like to take time away from the family with exercise.
    So Im up at 3am and at the Gym by 3.30am.

    Its hard , very hard and does take a toll later in the week BUT I have alot of weight to lose and Im seeing some results so thats my motivation.

    You have to win the mental battle first , even if you do a little exercise everyday then thats better than nothing.

    Good luck
  • dcl100
    dcl100 Posts: 3 Member
    I make time to work out. I'm 61 years old and still working. In fact, I bring work home with me most of the time. I know I must exercise at least 4 times a week. My husband and I walk in the neighborhood, but when the weather is rainey or cold, I walk in my home. I've bought a couple of walking cd's that run me through a 2 and 3 mile brisk walk. It's more aerobic walking but great exercise. Burn lots of calories which is important to me since I have so much weight to lose. But the deal is, you have to get in the habit of exercising -- no matter the time. When you feel too tired, that's when you need to make yourself pull out an aerobic, walking, or yoga cd. The exercise energizes you!
  • harls
    harls Posts: 88 Member
    Yeah, like others have said (and I myself found out the hard way): you always have time. If you really want something, you will MAKE time for it to happen.
  • I wish I could find the time. I work full time in a challenging role, im also doing to work related training courses which require work in the evenings and studying for a degree. On top of this I am mum to a seven year old who needs love and attention and a husband to spend time with on top of cooking cleaning etc oh and making lesson plans and marking work. I try to walk the half hour home from work instead of getting the bus when its not raining and i dont have to much work on I already get up at 6 for work to get me and my daughter ready. So it is possible but that does not mean it is not very difficult to do so dont agree with tough love response its not always possible all the time when you have responsibilities but do your best and dont beat yourself up about it
  • I'm a single mom with a job that keeps me going 50-60+ hours a week during the normal "school" year and 80-90+ during the summer hours. I'm also having to do the cleaning, cooking, grocery shopping, etc. that comes with being a mom, as well. You can do it. I get up (during the week) at 5 am, instead of 6, so that I can get my workout in before I get the boy out of the bed. I am one of the lucky ones, since he's 14 now and can help out a little and be left alone some, but I still try to do it in the morning so that when I do have a little time I don't have to feel guilty about giving up either my time with him or my work out.

    I agree with the tough love sentiment. If you want it, you'll find the time to do it. Good luck to you! You CAN do it! :bigsmile:
  • "It's all about choices" you make the choice to give yourself 30-40 min. a day of exercise. You have to ask yourself that everyday. Are you worth it? I have a challenging job and difficult hours at times. I work 10 hr shifts and I start at 4am everyday and I have a 40 min drive. I am spent at the end a of shift. Not physically, mentally. If I want to get my work out in before work, my alarm goes off at 1:45am.
    Just ask everyday "what part of the day am I going to give myself"? Plan it!!! Failure to plan is planning to fail. Good Luck
  • jbug100
    jbug100 Posts: 406 Member
    I am a nurse practitioner, and work long 12 hour shifts. I used to skip exercise if I coiuld not make it to the gym, but over time I have found ways to incorporate exercise into my day. It could be as simple as taking the stairs to the tenth floor. I also just received some kettle bells for Christmas which are in my living room. I can pick thm up while I watch tv and get a quick workout. It's all about being creative and resourceful.
  • ComfortFoodAddict
    ComfortFoodAddict Posts: 278 Member
    Well, I can relate... I have recently (sept 2010) started back to college for Nursing. Between school, clinicals, studying, job 1- 12.5 hours shifts, job 2- 5-9 hour shifts, my very hyper puppy, and a boyfriend, and new (to me) parents, I am a very worn out girl by the end of the day... hell by the start of the day I am!

    Going to take y'all's advice and suck it up.... If I want to be healthier and not have chest pain all the time, I have to do the work to get it. Thinking that if I just pack my school and work clothes with me, I can take a shower at the gym when I am done tomorrow... I know that's gross, but there is no way I could go to the gym and then back home to shower then to school.

    Any ideas for thing I can do at home that don't make much noise? Our house is sooooo old, even tiptoing can be heard in the bedroom.... I don't want to wake my boyfriend up. It is too early to be outside at that time (pitch black). I want some ideas that I can really stick too. I have an exercise ball, weights 3, 5, 10, 20, resistance bands, over the door bar, yoga mat, and a few very old style dvds... hey, they still work lol.
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