Just Browsing, old photos...

Delicate Posts: 625 Member
I got a bit nostalgic, so was browsing through pics I had on my pc (not always a smart idea!) At my heaviest, I avoided a camera like the plague, it wasnt until i hit 12 and half stone, i HAD to get my picture taken for a wedding, so here goes

ta da ! (a bit of help with chicken fillets the rest is me, the eating kind the the silicon type)

So while trying on new dresses i ordered online i wanted to get opinion from my mate which to go for but she prefered this one, when i was 10stone 7


But I decided to see how much I changed, especially at my current 10 stone 3, basically to see the different in how the bridesmaid dress fitted, and the result (I know its a mega bad picture, i kinda sneezed!)


I can fit my arm in it and pull it out, even with chicken fillets i wouldnt have a chance in hell holding it up, (however up till i reput on the dress, i've been seeing myself as my old me? anyone else got that?)

This is how I will start 2011 on a high!
(I kinda did this cause I enjoyed seeing others pictures, then felt guilty for not showing myself, ha ha)


  • FitnessTim
    FitnessTim Posts: 234 Member
    Doesn't it feel great? You look great in the second picture. I love that dress.

    I bought a couple of new winter coats about a week ago. I've never been that fat so I wasn't expecting much of a difference when I tried them on in front of the mirror. One was a wool car coat with an inner collar and the other was a hip length leather coat. I was blown away by how good I looked.

    When you are in good shape everything just looks better on you. Forget the saying "clothes make the man", I think the man (or woman) make the clothes.

    Congrats on your new look. Here's to new dresses!
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