New member in need of support

SoftballCoach99s Posts: 5
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
I have to admit that I’m a food addict! I eat because I love food. I have a problem because when I am alone, I binge eat. I eat whatever I have a taste for, pizza, subs, cereal, little Debbie snacks, cookies, fast-food, etc… I work alone every day driving around (not a trucker) and have easy access to 7-11 and every fast food joint there is. Started MFP the week of Christmas and tracking my daily meals seems to be working. Lost 10 pounds so far just keeping the calories under 1500 per day. Went to a New Years Eve party last night and had small portions and kept the calories low. My daughter made oatmeal chocolate chip cookies today and they smelled great. I checked out the calories and 2 cookies were only 160 calories, so I had two. BIG MISTAKE! I thought about those cookies in the kitchen for several hours afterwards. Don’t know how much will power I would have had if I had been alone.

Realized I might need some support from the MFP community when I have these cravings…:happy:


  • ariesldsgal
    ariesldsgal Posts: 73 Member
    I am known to overeat as well. I too love food, but I also use it to diminish any feelings I am not wanting to deal with. Watching your daily calories does help forsure. Even when I do exceed my calorie goal, it is not by as much as it use to be simply because I am monitoring the number. When you see a high number it is like a smack in the face reminding you. It helps me put away the bag of chips before it is gone or the ice cream tub before it reaches the bottom. Keep up the good work on tracking your calories and slowly adjusting your eating habits. Together we all can do great!
  • sewingirl48
    sewingirl48 Posts: 1 Member
    You should feel encouraged because you have already succeeded at logging your food intake and losing some weight! I say, "congratulations and keep up the good work." Every day is a new day. You learned something about the cookies now remember it and try again.
  • Softball Coach,
    First of all congratulations on your 10 pound weight loss. I know how tough it is to eat right, but you are making the step in the right direction. Whenever you are alone and have that urge, just stay out of the kitchen! (LOL) Take a quick walk outside or walk/run the stairs in your house! Try and discontinue habits that will normally make you want bad foods. Throw out those little debbie snacks (she's a tough one to say no to), put them in the trash and dont buy anymore. If their not in the house, you cant eat them! Eating right is the most difficult task to master when losing weight but you can do it! Hang some motivational pictures or goals everywhere in the house. Especially on the refrigerator! That will help....I just had a baby at 43 and I was weighing 210. I have to admit I havent been eating right which is why I havent lost alot of weight. i weight 170 now and have 40 pounds to go. I was a personal trainer 10 years ago and have decided to get my license back and get my butt in gear. I look to you to support me when I want to eat bad too! Thanks...Talk to you soon! Stay focused!!!! :)
  • orting514
    orting514 Posts: 153
    Im an emotional eater, bordom is my worst enemy! the past few days ive been WAY OFF! Tomorrow is another day, i'll start anew, go to the gym and get some exercise, and yes watch the caleries more closely, wish me luck!
  • Good luck!
  • thisis4me
    thisis4me Posts: 219 Member
    Here for support....feel free to add me and we can help each other reach our goals:)
  • keky389
    keky389 Posts: 14 Member
    I'm in need of support too! You can add me and we can help each other meet our goals for 2011 :)
  • Brunette_Babe
    Brunette_Babe Posts: 33 Member
    If the naughty food isn't in the kitchen, then you can't be bad.

    If you have access to 7/11's and you're about to go in a buy something to snack on - Firstly ask yourself if you're actually hungry and is your stomach rumbling? Probably not if you're honest with yourself.

    Secondly, if you're anything like me as soon as i've eaten a chocolate bar or whatever and i wasn't even hungry, i feel utterly horrible and i'm upset with myself. Think about this feeling and realise that if you stop at the 7/11 to pick something up to nibble on you'll just end up feeling you've let yourself down.

    YOU CAN DO IT!!!! :happy:
  • Your right! Thanks for the support!
  • Thanks. I've opened up my food log so that others will keep me in check. Thanks again!
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