3 week plateau. Discouraged but still motivated

My first month of changing my diet and continuing my excersize routine I steam rolled through 13 lbs in about 4 weeks. Now I am stuck at 280 lbs and is really frustuarting me and I need to break free from this. I just want out of the 280s so I can start tackling the 270s.

I have stayed within my recommended caloric range, I excersize 5 days a week (weights and cardio), have not drankin alcohol in over 2 weeks. What other suggestions would you recomend for people who have been stuck in a plateau but got out of it? Should I increase the intensity of my workouts? Start food prepping more often?


  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Well, at three weeks it could be a simple stall due to water weight fluctuations. It's not uncommon to see weight loss stalls of a week or three because of the usual water weight fluctuations in our bodies. Any time you make a change to your routine, calorie goals, or exercise plan, it's a good idea to give your body several weeks to even out before deciding whether or not it's working.

    But I'll hit some of the highlights that we usually see causing problems around here. Since your diary is closed to us it's hard to know whether or not any of these would affect you.

    You're logging everything you eat? Including condiments, cooking oils, veggies, cheat days, etc? Are you using a food scale, measuring cups, or eyeballing your portion sizes? Most people can be off in their estimates by several hundred calories when they eyeball portions. Measuring cups are better, but a food scale is going to be the most accurate.


    And make sure that you've calculated your calorie goals appropriately. Remember that these are just estimates. You may need to play around a little to find what works best for you.


    If you're exercising and eating back your earned exercise calories, be sure that you're using accurate estimates of your burn. MFP and gym machines have a tendency to overestimate certain activities, which can cause you to eat back more calories than you need to. Even a heart rate monitor isn't 100% accurate. If you're eating those extra earned calories it might be a good idea to eat only 50-75% of those.
  • mhlew
    mhlew Posts: 377 Member
    I had a doctor appointment yesterday and according to there scale I was 2 lbs less then my cheap Taylor scale (which I hate by the way because I can step off and step on and be a pound difference) But I am infact in the 270 pound range now (278 lbs) I am ready to tackle these and get to the 260's.