
If you want to dance (over indulge) you have to pay the fiddler…..I choose to dance on the weekends…..this weekend I had 2 dances….Italian Festival and my twin daughters birthday celebration…..I knew I would have to pay the fiddler for going over on my calories…..at best it would cost nothing to pay the fiddler or at worst it might cost 2lbs……got on the scale yesterday and I gained a pound…..thanks to MFP I accept this because I do log everything and try to even on days where I go completely off the reservation……try logging binges while they are happening…..either you will slow down or to see if you can break your most calorie day record……so my current weight is 203.8 pounds and my goal by Friday is to weigh 201 something…….I have my tools in place and I will try eating less and exercising more…..I will put in my best effort…..If it does not happen I will have answers….in the past I would be upset that I didn’t lose weight over the weekend….I was lying to myself….done lying to myself….and eventually I will do less dancing when the weight loss slows down……190”s here I come….


  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    Thank you this is very refreshing. Most people post that they don't know why they gained weight but most probably know exactly why if they would only be truthful to themselves.
  • Grankakes
    Grankakes Posts: 128 Member
    Thank you this is very refreshing. Most people post that they don't know why they gained weight but most probably know exactly why if they would only be truthful to themselves.

  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    I ate zeppoles last weekend at San Gennaro. They were good!!!
  • SerendipitySkye
    SerendipitySkye Posts: 202 Member
    You are adopting the kind of attitude that will help you to go for the long-haul. One that will help you maintain as well. Life happens....rather than jumping ship, you name it...claim it...and move on! Well done!! Twins....adorable!!! :)