What works for you?

Let me first get one thing straight...

However, what's your plan?

Moderation within your caloric limit?
Anything as long as it's within your caloric limit?
No caloric limit, just _________?
Low carb?
Intermittent fasting?
TDEE minus 20%
Cheat days?

Something else?


A combination of more than one one?

What has not worked for you and what's your go-to plan?


  • FitnessTrainer69
    FitnessTrainer69 Posts: 283 Member
    Im trying to add some lean muscle so I take in about 250-500 calories over my MX. I try to keep a strict clean diet of high protien ( Turkey/fish/chicken) and good carbs (Brown rice, Red potatoes) only because I hate sweet potatoes. Also, I use avacado or nuts for my fats. On the weekends I pick a day to cheat. Meaning I spike up my carbs to double and dont measure my protien intake, I basically just enjoy myself but with good choices. Congrats on your 94lb loss
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    I went to the doctor. He told me what to do. I did it.

    I don't believe in fad diets.

    I'm too old to live like a caveman. They didn't get this old.

    I love animals,but I eat them. I support the vegans in spirit.

    If sounds interesting and a lot of people swear by it. If I were going to try one goofy, new thing, that'd be it.

    There are so many different things you can try, if you want to try that kind of stuff.

    But about 85% of questions asked here would not need to be asked if people would just go see a doctor when they begin their weight loss journey! which every single expert will tell you to do .
  • angela233Z
    angela233Z Posts: 312 Member
    5:2 works for me, the idea, I just need to restrict for one day and tomorrow can eat more makes it easier.
    I was thinking about this earlier today. I think all diets work cause you replace crap with healthier foods.

    interested to see what others say
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Moderation within your caloric limit? Most definately
    Anything as long as it's within your caloric limit? as long as IIFYM

    what didn't work for me

    No caloric limit, just _________? exercise, but didn't find an exercise I loved enough to continue to do it
    Low carb? tried it failed
    Atkins? tried it failed
    17 day diet yo yo'd for 3 years
    cabbage soup diet..thinking of it makes me cry
    low fat...nope didn't work

    I don't have a go to plan anymore...I will just continue to log my food and watch my macros and the exercise I love.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Eat all the foods.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I try my best to follow IIFYM because I like the flexibility of it while at the same time allowing me to be more focused on my goals (which is to work on body recomposition while losing so protein is a big thing for me). It's also taught me about balancing my foods and making more "responsible" choices without stressing over it.

    I also do 16:8 which has turned out to be really helpful in regards to helping me control my overeating issues.

    Overall, it's eating in moderation at a calorie deficit, though (since I'm losing weight).
  • Organicgasm
    Organicgasm Posts: 592 Member
    Primarily paleo. With a tiny bit of organic/real food IIFYM indulgence.
  • llUndecidedll
    llUndecidedll Posts: 724 Member
    I try, try.... try to stay within my calorie budget, but this never happens. Next, I try to not go over my calorie budget by more than say 300 calories (calories burned in a 40 minute walk for me). This is more realistic for me.

    My plan is simple. I just try not to gorge myself every day. If I do go over, then I usually "correct it" in the gym. Usually. Honestly, last week I just wasn't feeling cardio at all... so.... I put myself in a bit of calorie debt there.... BUT today's a new day!

    I also try, try, try to make healthier choices, but I am a steak and potatoes gal.... this is difficult for me.

    I've thought about changing my activity level because of my part-time job, but I don't want to go beyond sedentary because I feel like it's less accurate? Most days, honestly I don't even think I take enough steps to be considered sedentary, so this is why I haven't changed it.
  • parkerpowerlift
    parkerpowerlift Posts: 196 Member
    Let me first get one thing straight...

    However, what's your plan?

    Moderation within your caloric limit?
    Anything as long as it's within your caloric limit?
    No caloric limit, just _________?
    Low carb?
    Intermittent fasting?
    Cheat days?
    A combination of more than one one?

    What has not worked for you and what's your go-to plan?

    First and foremost---wow! That is awesome that you've been on here for over two years straight! Very impressive.

    This is my 2nd time on MFP, but I have had the most success during this round. I had lost 18 pounds in 2013, then gave up on calorie counting and exercise and I re-gained it all back...and then an additional 7 pounds. After being completely disgusted with myself, being sick of feeling sick all the time and a weigh in for a "health screen" for work, I amped it up. I'm gonna break my answers up in different parts. I want to go into my background before answering...

    a.) I started eating cleaner during May & June. I stopped having fast food for every freaking lunch. I slowly started cutting out soda, with a month's worth of migraines and feeling terrible from caffeine withdrawls. I made a new MFP profile and started tracking my foods again. It took me a month and a half before logging started to become second nature again. I lost 8 pounds just from eating better and cooking at home, packing lunches, etc.

    b.) At the end of June, on my father's birthday, I started C25k and finished it in August. This was also my 2nd round of attempting C25k and running altogether, but I actually kept up with it! Now I am 5 weeks into C210k! I have lost 17 pounds from running and as you can see in my ticker currently, I am 25 pounds down :) Running works for me, and I am no athlete!

    c.) Obviously, I have a calorie limit. Like everyone, I attempted to start at 1200 calories (which for me, felt impossible to manage). I bumped up to 1400 for a while and am now at 1600 daily with decent results!

    d.) No crazy diets. I hate the word, diet. I adopted the viewpoint of using my weight loss journey as a "lifestyle change". It makes it not nearly as mentally daunting. I tried doing juicing a couple of times and it just wasn't for me. I absolutely love smoothies, tho. I have my go-to foods, and I tend to eat about the same most weeks. My body can not handle fast food anymore---I get so sick, bloated, heavy-feeling and nauseated. Plus, it really doesn't taste well anymore. Everything is saltier, sweeter. Some foods are more bland and just don't do it for me anymore!!!

    My first goal is to hit 30 pounds lost, but my ultimate goal would be to hit closer to 40 pound loss. Then I will re-evaluate from there.
  • amy8400
    amy8400 Posts: 478 Member
    Logging. Taught me to eat the right amounts and make better choices. I eventually focused on eating more protein, moderate fat, lower sodium and be more mindful of sugar. Didn't pay much attention to carbs but I rarely go over on carbs anyway.
  • CindyMarcuzAdams
    CindyMarcuzAdams Posts: 4,006 Member
    Congratulations on your 700 days.

    I eat almost anything as long as it fits into my daily allotment. With 1200 calories to go thru in a day I am choosy on how I spend those calories.
  • Rosie5151
    Rosie5151 Posts: 57 Member
    Love this question.
    What has worked for me is eating 1200 cals a day. But not "just" anything. You do have to have some limits. If I'm only eating 1200 cals I want to make it worth my while. I want to be full and satisfied.

  • molls10m
    Congrats on your time and effort!! I just recently started using mfp again and I know that for me I'm just trying to do the best that I can :) Sure some days I eat healthier than others but the majority of the days I've been back have been great
  • shexy16
    Eat less. Move more.

    I'm a vegetarian, but I don't consider it a "diet"....it's because I love animals, not for my own health reasons...lol.
  • jyogit
    jyogit Posts: 280 Member
    i cut out white bread and bread products ..bagels i was eating like grapes lol .. i cut out normal tea with milk..i stopped eating white potatoes completely and changed to sweet potato..
    i found mfp and now count all my calories , and weigh all my foods once a month and guestimate it in-between .. found I've not been going over :)
    sticking to my defecit given by mfp ..lost 10lbs but my ticker says 5 as i logged in wrong a while back.
    Eating healthily,fresh foods,fresh veg,loads of chicken/turkey and discovered new proteins etc from avocado and the likes..
    i'm now loving my diet and my food allowances.. i am sticking to it except on the odd night out when..well..you gotta have a night out on the beer every now n then.
    Started jogging and walking more ..dumbell exercises and at least 30 squats a day now that i can do them properly..

    Everything seems to be working for me so far :)
  • kaseyr1505
    kaseyr1505 Posts: 624 Member
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    I weigh all my food. I am a vegetarian, but that is not for weight loss. I eat within my calorie limits. I don't worry too much about macros and things. If I want to eat more, I exercise more.
  • JazmineYoli
    JazmineYoli Posts: 547 Member
    I started with 1200 calories and had no clue about macros - It worked for awhile, then I got hangry.
    I have never tried any of the other 'diets'.
    I did try 5:2 along the way. Doing 1 fast day now.

    IIFIYM now, but mostly focusing to get my protein up.
    Also working on clean carbs and lean meats so I can lose 10 by Christmas season. I haven't lost any pounds in months, but have been losing BF.
  • pander101
    pander101 Posts: 677 Member
    I'm doing the TDEE minus 25% with the IIFYM. I'm recently new to counting macros so I'm falling short most days.
  • hearthwood
    hearthwood Posts: 794 Member
    Calories in versus calories out. Eat less, move more. No special food or elimination of food,just portion control.