Help... Nothing I do makes a difference



  • funchords
    funchords Posts: 413 Member
    With 5 lbs to go, I would start to slide into maintenance mode. This is not a sprint with a finish line, this is a lifelong commitment. Plan to spend the next year taking off that last 5 lbs one ounce at a time.

    Someone else plates my food. I take my plate to the food scale and weigh my food.
  • You're lacking some needed information, I think. Do you know your body fat percentage and your fat-free mass percentages? These are important because you may be trying to take off muscle mass and not fat mass, in which case it's not healthy. In other words, if everything on your body that isn't fat weighs 120 pounds, trying to get to 115 means you'll have to burn muscle and that's not good. Also, you're doing cardio, but are you weight training? Building lean muscle will burn fat and more calories when at rest, so you should look to put on muscle weight while taking off fat weight. And since muscle weighs more than fat, don't look at the scale so much to know when you're successful. Rather, look for other indicators like how you feel about yourself. I suggest, if you can afford it, joining a gym and getting some personal training. They are experts at diet and exercise and can help you define and achieve your goals.
  • Thanks for all the responses, they have been quite insightful. I guess I really should be more vigilant with counting what I eat. It is frustrating where I gain my weight- ie face- b/c it is hardest to hide, lol!

    In terms of strength training, doing squats, lunges and push-ups count dont they? I am using body weight, but for my size, shouldn't that be enough? I find it more effective to work out at home vs going to the gym, and so would prefer to do exercises at home. If these are not good enough what types of strength exercises would you suggest?

    Finally, in terms of maintenance, how do you transition from weight loss to maintenance effectively without gaining?

    Thanks again!