
What does everyone think of a 3 day "lemonade" cleanse before I start a new eating plan??? The cleanse is supposed to go for 10 but there is no way I can do that....


  • pinksocks73
    WOW. If I were to do that, I could say "hello heartbourn and ripped up esophagus". Good luck.
  • richiefixo
    richiefixo Posts: 104 Member
    Hello there

    Dont start any cleanse!!! just go straight into clean eating and light exercising! that itself is a cleanse! hydrate your body regularly (drink water alot) and dont eat 3 hours before bed and you will begin to see results in as little as 5 days! just remember that your diet is key so cut out every processed food and eat good lean protein e.g. chicken (low sodium) and your vegetables and reasonable quantities. Treat yourself to a guilty pleasure once in 2 weeks and savour the taste of everything you eat (take your time to eat). whenever you think about giving up, think again about the sweet gorgeous angel who will be calling you mummy want to be a role model and the discipline that you will eventually build will indeed rub of on that little sunshine and make you the best mom you can be.

    Stay positive and beautiful as always
    and remember: baby steps in the RIGHT DIRECTIONS! :P

    - richie

    PS: i creeped ur profile a little. :)
  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member
    cleanses are nothing but a waste of time and a loss of water weight & lean muscle

    our bodies have a liver and kidneys to do any "cleansing". The best type of "cleanse" you can do for yourself is start eating fruits and veggies, whole grains, and lean cuts of meat. The fibre and healthy eating is better for long term.
  • iteachag
    Thank you guys so much for the feedback.... I went out and bought all of the supplies for this and then decided, maybe I should ask people what they think, rather than just reading the random reviews online.

    I am going to shoot for my new eating and exercise plan rather than doing the cleanse first!
  • NightOwl1
    NightOwl1 Posts: 881 Member
    I'm in agreement with those recommending against a cleanse. Despite what the products might say, there is nothing healthy about starving yourself and pumping yourself up with laxatives.
  • floridabootcamp
    I agree with the other posters. Please do not "cleanse". Anything that suggests for you to eliminate entire food groups isn't a good idea. Besides, the "weight" that you loose will be mostly water, muscle and possible some fecal matter. Cardio, resistance training along with good foods (lean protein, good fats and whole fruits/veggies) are key!