Holiday cookie woes....

The holidays reak such havic on our weight lose program. I have a confession, I totally cheated. Around November I just stopped tracking everything and went crazy for 2 months. It was blissful, but now that the season is over its time to get back to reality. I dare not step on the scale to see the damage I've inflicted :( However, I remain hopeful, as yesterday I was on the treadmill and started to track my food again. Unfortunately, I way over ate yesterday... oh well, the important thing is to get back on the saddle today again.


  • Black_Swan
    Black_Swan Posts: 770 Member
    Well i started the healthy life again in the middle of December, not the best time definitely. I managed to let myself go only 3 days in total, so I dont think the damage is too much. I shall see at the next weight-in how much damage was done and did i manage to loose some or gain some! Its important to start again:)!
  • clioandboy
    clioandboy Posts: 963 Member
    I have had a couple of weeks of being a complete greedy *kitten*, I now feel rubbish and therefore I am hoping to return to being the motivated happy woman who was me until recently.

    IT IS CRAZY TO BLOW ALL THAT SUCCESS AND SWAP IT FOR FEELING CRAPPY, how do you get your head around this stuff I wonder?