Fitness fiend attitude wanted! Help!

Hey guys,
I am trying to get myself into the habit of working out every day. I seem to go through phases where I will work out every day for a couple of months, I will take a break and then I will quit working out for months at a time. I can not seem to keep myself motivated even though I look at old pictures and know what I want to look like again. Does anyone have any tips on how to get there?
Thank you,


  • IvyLuci
    IvyLuci Posts: 117 Member
    My suggestion would be to work out a schedule that fits with your other obligations, just make it like one of your other assignments. However, make sure you incorporate days that allow your body some rest
  • katysmelly
    katysmelly Posts: 380 Member
    Are you doing things you really enjoy doing? Some things we make ourselves do because they're good for us, and that's great. But if you find an activity that you truly love, that is easier to stick with. I am like you - bursts of dedication for weeks, then sloth for months. I find that a variety of things will get in the way - including feeling sort of down when the weather is crap or having a lot on my plate in regards to work and family.

    If you take a break, try to keep some time for yourself - some "me time" so that you have this space to do what nourishes your soul. Even if all you do is sit in a Starbucks and read a book. This could make returning to exercise much easier.
  • ChampCrucial
    ChampCrucial Posts: 120 Member
    Find 3 things.

    1. The root of why you started in the first place. What would you like to accomplish and what it will take to get there.

    2. Find one thing you can do every day no matter what. Walking and stationary bike is mine and a tons of peoples. Do it every day no matter what no matter the cost.

    3. Find something fun to do that you can do a lot. Mine is biking.

    I have a love of bodyweight and general resistance training but I love to bike. If I walk every day and keep up with my resistance training I can bike with friends at the end of the week.