Calling all Shorties! Ladies 5'3" and under



  • ComfortFoodAddict
    ComfortFoodAddict Posts: 278 Member
    HEY, I'm 5'1" and 170lbs I am classified as morbidly obese.... I think that is just crazy. I know I am overweight and working to change that, but morbidly obese? My ideal weight is listed as 98-115 lbs.... serious? I don't think so! I am aiming for 135-140 which is still listed as obese for me, but with the way my body proportions are, I think this is a good area for me. Good luck everyone!

    Where are you getting your information from? Everything I have seen lists the upper weight limit for 5'1" at 132 pounds. (I know this because I was aiming for 130 for a few pounds of wriggle room... and then discovered I'm not QUITE 5'1"! Still aiming for 130 for now though!)

    This one shows:
    99-126 < this is the closest I see to your 132. The only weight I see going up that high is for men.

    I originally got my information on that chart inside the doctor's office weighting room.
  • potluck965
    potluck965 Posts: 529 Member
    I'm 5' 1 1/2 " and I really have no clue as to what I should weigh. When I get down to weight that I thought I would never see again, I realize it isn't enough yet. I don't know when I will reach the point where I feel enough is enough.
  • NotaNikki
    Love this group! I'm 5'3" and around 135 lbs. I felt my best a couple summers ago at 120, so that's where I'm trying to get. I definitely agree with most of you...I don't mind being short most of the time, but I hate that a small amount of weight gain looks like an enormous amount on our small frames. And jeans NEVER fit.
  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member
    HEY, I'm 5'1" and 170lbs I am classified as morbidly obese.... I think that is just crazy. I know I am overweight and working to change that, but morbidly obese? My ideal weight is listed as 98-115 lbs.... serious? I don't think so! I am aiming for 135-140 which is still listed as obese for me, but with the way my body proportions are, I think this is a good area for me. Good luck everyone!

    Where are you getting your information from? Everything I have seen lists the upper weight limit for 5'1" at 132 pounds. (I know this because I was aiming for 130 for a few pounds of wriggle room... and then discovered I'm not QUITE 5'1"! Still aiming for 130 for now though!)

    This one shows:
    99-126 < this is the closest I see to your 132. The only weight I see going up that high is for men.

    I originally got my information on that chart inside the doctor's office weighting room.

    Thanks. I didn't realize you were looking @ small frame weights. I tend to stick with medium (for now), which still puts my upper limit around 130 (I'd be 5 foot 1 1/2 inches with shoes on...and probably went by the 5'2" weight before since I thought I was taller than I am!). Right now I'll be ecstatic to get to the 130... from there I'll see if I want to lose another 10 pounds or so. :)
  • larousse_37
    I'm 5'2" and weigh 132. I hate it!!! I'm a very small frame, so a little bit of weight just looks ridiculous on me. I also think I actually weigh more than I look, because when I tell people my weight they tend to look confused. I'd love to get down to 110, but initially I'll be happy around the 120 mark. That's when I start feeling comfortable.

    I really think the ideal weight categories are crap... I'm technically overweight, but I'm a size 6. Explain THAT to me.

    This is such a great idea, as most people really don't understand my frustration of upset when I gain a little bit of weight. I'm adding you all!
  • JaneZv
    JaneZv Posts: 200
    Me too, me too! I'm only 5' 1/2" and if I gain 2 lbs, everyone can tell... arrrrrgh.
  • priskar
    priskar Posts: 156
    If I leave my shoes on and reaaaaly stretch my neck I can hit the 5'0" mark but really I'm just a tad under - and short waisted to boot! I've never been a thin person except for times when I did extreme diets like BaylorFast, Optifast, etc and I was little, tiny. My highest was 242 which wasn't that long ago. Two months ago I decided to stop the madness and had weight loss surgery (VSG) and I love it! I know there's some on MFP who have strong opinions about it but at 52 yrs. old and severe arthritis & bursitis I made the most educated decision I could make. I know it's just a "tool" (just like MFP) and not an answer.

    My surgeon told my the "ideal" body weight for my age/frame was 98/115 but that's not what we're aiming for. I've set a goal for somewhere between 120 and 140 and I'll be a happy woman.

    Here's to us "shorties"! I wish you all well!

    The best thing about being short: cute clothes, never having to empty the dishwasher 'cause I can't reach a damn thing, most shorties have little feet and gorgeous shoes (5 1/2 here), clothes are NEVER too short, most people let us in front of them at big events. ;)
  • CherokeeBabe
    CherokeeBabe Posts: 1,704 Member
    I'm 5'1", so here I am!!!! *waves* And gotta agree, clothes are a pain, I have to shorten and re-hem EVERYTHING. :grumble:
  • meg2011
    Hi all!

    I am short, 5'3 and have struggled with weight most of my life. I am finally starting to get it under control but being short, even 2 pounds shows. My goal weight is 114 and I am about 125 now. Lets motivate each other!
  • natsab76
    Hello fellow short stops and Happy New Year! tvalk79, thanks for starting this thread.

    I'm 5' 1/2" and currently weigh in at 77.7 kg (171 lbs) after having lost 17 kgs (38 lbs). I'm aiming to get down to about 55kgs (121 lbs), the last time I weighed 55kgs I was 13 (am 34 now - EEK!). That's supposed to be the correct weight for my height and medium to large frame. I'm lucky enough to be in proportion so the weight's evenly distributed and cannot wait to be short and perfectly formed! I'm not too bothered about what the scale says - as long as I look and feel good and am truly happy with what I see staring back at me - that to me will be my success story!!

    I've slacked off a bit in the last month with the weight loss (having successfully maintained and not gained anything over the festive season, which is definitely a first) but will be logging calories and exercising everyday starting today - besides the weight loss goal, I'm finally going on my honeymoon this year and WILL be wearing a bikini, something I've not done in my entire adult life!

    Let's keep in touch with progress reports and encouragement, shorties! Good luck to all of you x x x
  • daybyday
    daybyday Posts: 537 Member
    I just have to get this off my chest. For the longest time I have wanted to look like a Victoria's Secret model. Well guess what - first of all I'm too short =) Plus that look may not be doable for me unless I have surgery for the stomach and have my boobs perked up. Anyway, my new outlook is that it is okay if I don't look like that - I am going to love my body just the way it is!! Happy Monday everybody!!
  • tvalk79
    tvalk79 Posts: 17 Member
    Wouldn't we all :smile: I have dreams of looking like Shakira or Fergie (both shorties like us) - but for now I'll be happy if I can consistently make it to the gym and get my weight moving in the right direction - DOWN!
  • fitnewlife
    fitnewlife Posts: 339 Member
    I'm 5'2", 145lbs and I see weight gain so quick. And it all seems to fall in my midsection. Now I'm about to have foot surgery on Friday and that's going to limit me for 6-8 weeks. I'll do what I can as far as exercising because I don't want to gain.
  • daybyday
    daybyday Posts: 537 Member
    Okay so this morning I chose not to get up and exercise. Will I beat myself I can do it later if I want. Wednesday's are usually crazy at work so I decided to get some extra zzzz's to fire my brain!!
  • Ready2lose4ever
    Hello everyone! How are you all doing today so far? I am trying to get the motivation going this morning to get on my bike and get my exercise done. I am very tired. My daughter went back to school Monday and boy this getting up early is kicking me behind, but I am not going to let that stop me from doing what I need to be doing. I had a day off from exercise yesterday so I need to do it today. Anyways, I hope you all have a great day!!
  • Bobbijo82566
    Bobbijo82566 Posts: 17 Member
    Good Morning everyone,
    I am new to Fitness pal and ran across your forum. I am 44 years old, 4'11 on a good day, and need to lose about 55 pounds.
    I have a 25 year old son who is very overweight... 370 pounds... and we are taking a run at this "life change" together.
    I was able to download the fitness pal app on my phone, and I just love it! Been using it about a week now, and everything I have eaten including my Herbalife shakes are on is unbelievable and so convenient.
    I am going to try to get up and get moving, hopefully on my elliptical that has been collecting dust in my spare bedroom for 2 years.
    Just wanted to stop by and introduce myself.
    Have a wonderful day :smile:
    Take Care,
    Bobbi Jo
  • kristibag81
    I'm 5'3 and right now my struggle is losing my pregnancy weight. I just had baby #2 and I finally am only 2 pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight of 158. I was trying to lose weight when I got pregnant though!

    I have 20 pounds to lose by June 6th, my 30th birthday! I hope this thread will keep me accountable. I need it! :o)
  • fitnewlife
    fitnewlife Posts: 339 Member
    I had to go to the doctor yesterday for my pre-op appointment. They decided that my height measurement was necessary. ( I have no idea why, unless they wanted to remind me how short I am.) Anyway, it was just a reminder that I'm 5'2" and 145lbs. Whatever. I'm okay being this height, it makes it easier to climb from the back of my car to the front when all the doors are frozen except the passenger rear door.
  • tvalk79
    tvalk79 Posts: 17 Member
    Hello everyone! How are you all doing today so far? I am trying to get the motivation going this morning to get on my bike and get my exercise done. I am very tired. My daughter went back to school Monday and boy this getting up early is kicking me behind, but I am not going to let that stop me from doing what I need to be doing. I had a day off from exercise yesterday so I need to do it today. Anyways, I hope you all have a great day!!

    I know this may sound cheesy, but try to look at your exercise as an energy builder - like a cup of coffee. I'm always thinking I'm too tired to workout, but once I've finished I always feel energized and never think "boy, that sapped my last bit of energy for the day."
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    Finally something for short people!~!~!

    You all did make me feel like a giant cow though!~!.... I am 5'1 and 168!!!!! I dont think I look too horrible, but I am def NOT happy with the way I am right now.

    My goal is for 162 by the end of January.