Still feeling sore after yesterday's work out is this ok?

It's been a long time since I did the 30 day shred by Jillian Michaels but I decided to get back up and try it and this workout is intense. The thing is I started back up again yesterday with level 1 and even that was a lot for me.

By the time I was done I could barely move I felt as if someone had worn me out all my muscles worn out I just laid on my couch and couldn't get up. I was able to wake up and go to my doctors appointment this morning with no problems and the soreness is not quite as bad as it was yesterday but it's still bad. Is this normal to feel really sore after a workout? Is it OK to workout again today? Or would you say it's a bad idea?


  • ksy1969
    ksy1969 Posts: 700 Member
    Oops. Wrong thread
  • pander101
    pander101 Posts: 677 Member
    Soreness is normal. Yes, it is ok to workout. Try stretching more and drinking more water.
  • bluesarah13
    bluesarah13 Posts: 31 Member
    A trainer once told me that muscle soreness peaks at 36 hours and I find this to be true for me. If I work out Tuesday evening, I'm a little sore Wednesday morning but I'm more sore Thursday morning. Then the soreness abates as Thursday progresses. Also, I think I always feel better if I do some type of exercise. Certainly not working the same muscles.
  • amelliso
    amelliso Posts: 10 Member
    Working out builds up the lactic acid in your muscles and contributes to the pain. Working those muscles will help remove the lactic acid and help with pain relief. I agree with the last poster, that you shouldn't work the same muscles - pick a different workout. If you don't feel you can do a full workout today, then at least do stretches or mild exercise; or just walking helps. I find that a bath with Epsom salts helps with sore muscles, too. Keep with it, and don't let this stop you!