Need home equipment advice

Hi all, I am in need of advice on home fitness equipment. I am a stay at home momma of 2 young boys and just don't have the means to go to the gym a few times a week to get on their equipment, nor do I have a ton of money to spend on super awesome home equipment. I would love to have an elliptical and some kind of home gym. What works for you guys? The total gym vs home gym? Recommendations for ellipticals and treadmills without spending a ton of money? I have a lot of weight to lose (at least 100lbs) and winter is almost here. :( Thank you all for your help.


  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    Personally, I would invest in some free weights. A bench, a squat rack, a bar and some plates to get started. Look around on Craigslist and you can usually find that stuff pretty cheap. I wouldn't invest in cardio equipment, because you can go outside to walk or run. If outside isn't an option, there are lots of good aerobic workout dvds out there. You can probably even find some at your local library if you want to try them out. If you have a gaming system, you can get workout games for those too (zumba, nike, wii fit, etc).
  • Awesome! Thank you!
  • DM01234
    DM01234 Posts: 317 Member
    I'm not sure what you define as a ton of money. But, I don't and won't go to a gym... Period! So, what I have is a Sole F80 Treadmill, a sticky mat and a Stability/Fitness ball. There's SO much that can be done with these it'd ridiculous. A couple DVD's will get you going on the Ball with enough to keep you busy for years (literally). A decent treadmill provides incline and speed options and some have pre-programmed routines. Many are also programmable so you can create your own.

    That being said, I'm seriously considering adding a Sole Elliptical to the house as another/different means for more cardio - which is what I do most of.

    Lastly, I have a small TV in front of my treadmill. That along with an MP3 players makes the time pass simply enough.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I used to have a treadmill. Got bored fairly quickly. Now I use Walk at Home or Just Walk DVDs (Leslie Sansone). This is low impact aerobics without choreography. Easy to do in a small space, no equipment required. You can get these at Target, Best Buy, etc. Your local library (and YouTube) should have some too.

    Video clips here:

    For strength training I use dumbbells & DVDs. I'm partial to Kelly Coffey Meyer. She's encouraging - not syrupy sweet - not brow beating either. I like following along. These workouts have a modifier.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    I agree with free weights. If you don't want to use a barbell, dumbbell handles plus plates are good because you can increase the weight as you go along. A bench is nice too, and you can often find one secondhand on Craigslist or at garage sales, pretty cheap (got mine for $25 from a coworker's son and it included a bar and 80 lbs of plates.) I have an exercise ball, too, and really like it.
  • Thank you all of the ideas! They are all a huge help!