How to meet calorie goal when you aren't hungry

Does anyone have any tips for reaching your calorie goal?

Most days, I have no issue with this at all. However, on days when I have a high calorie burn, I can have a hard time reaching my calorie goal. Sometimes I'm genuinely not hungry, but I know I should at least meet my calorie goal every day if I don't want to slow my metabolism.

Obviously I should eat healthy foods to help me get those extra calories, but when I'm not hungry the last thing I want to do is eat a banana.


  • jdhcm2006
    jdhcm2006 Posts: 2,254 Member
    On days that you aren't hungry, I would focus on at least meeting the minimum 1200 calorie net.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Does anyone have any tips for reaching your calorie goal?

    Most days, I have no issue with this at all. However, on days when I have a high calorie burn, I can have a hard time reaching my calorie goal. Sometimes I'm genuinely not hungry, but I know I should at least meet my calorie goal every day if I don't want to slow my metabolism.

    Obviously I should eat healthy foods to help me get those extra calories, but when I'm not hungry the last thing I want to do is eat a banana.

    Are your workouts first thing in the A.M.? If not, eat more during the day....a handful of nuts, a spoonful of peanut butter, a few avocado slices, regular salad dressing. A few calorie dense things go a long ways.

    Otherwise there are people who use TDEE less a percentage. You input your exercise for the week, and you get an "average" number of calories. This leaves you without the up/down issues.
  • angelamb1970
    angelamb1970 Posts: 123 Member
    I think as long as you have a healthy relationship with food, going under every once in a while is fine, I tend to look at my weekly averages some days I'm up, some I'm down, but it evens out over the week. Forcing yourself to eat when you are truly not hungry just for the sake of eating for calories isn't very productive, especially after a big workout or something.

    If it happens often, then you can add things like nuts, cheese, olive oil, etc to the meals you are consuming to get the calories up. A protein shake before a workout, little extra cream in your coffee. It's important to be sure you are reaching your goals for protein, carbs and fats in addition to overall calories. Look at your diary and see where you can improve the macro numbers. Good luck!!
  • onefortyone
    onefortyone Posts: 531 Member
    You might not be hungry but when you get to a point of eating for maintenance instead of loss, you will have to figure out how to eat your calorie goal or you'll just waste away!

    Try drinking some calories - OJ, those 100% fruit smoothie drinks, good quality hot cocoa for a nice treat.

    Or if you're using skim milk and low fat cheese or lite products, switch back to the regular versions (esp. yogurts - low fat yogurts are 'okay' but you can't beat the delicious creamy regular kind!)

    And I might be weird, but if I have extra calories left, I can't go wrong with a plain peanut butter sandwich on white bread. It's not particularly healthy or unhealthy, but it's like 'oo, sammich' and I am happy lol.
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    If I have an overactive day, sometimes its the next day that I feel the need for the extra calories. If you are getting enough nutrition, and its just a matter of you've burned more - listen to your body.
  • csuhar
    csuhar Posts: 779 Member
    As hs been mentioned, you can try to add more calorie-dense foods into your regular diet if you are regularly coming up short.

    But if you only come up short occasionally, or the shortfall is not consistent when it happens, you cold try to figure out if there are any "quick fix" foods for you that could help you top off when you need it. For me, it tends to be foods that can keep in the freezer or on the shelf. That way, there's no pressure to eat the food before it goes bad. But it could be anything from 200-300 calorie freezer meals to 100 calorie snack packs or even a full-calorie beverage.

    As long as your nutrition is in good stead, it could also be an opportunity to indulge in some fun foods if your main focus is calories. Personally, I've never found turning to "fun sized" candies to close in on my calorie goal be a burdensome undertaking.

    ETA: I have also occasionally logged something for the day that I was under but actually eaten it the next day. That way, the overall defecit still remains, but I don't force myself to choke something down. (On particularly active and busy days when I'm looking to maintain or bulk, I can sometimes get to the end of the day and still have 1000 calories to make up. That's usually waaay to much to try and scarf down before bed.)
  • Great responses, thanks!! I definitely have days where I go 20-30 or so calories OVER my goal, so it probably does even out with the days that I am under. I guess I may have been over thinking it a little :)