Plastic Surgery, anyone?

I've lost a significant amount of weight (120+ pounds) and I'm getting a tummy tuck this winter. Has anyone else had one? If so, do you have any tips for post-op? Or things you wish you would have known before the surgery?

I am SO excited! I deserve this and can't wait to have a flat little tummy after spending my entire life obese.



  • Lobster1987
    Lobster1987 Posts: 492 Member
    Really? No one?
  • pinkiezoom
    pinkiezoom Posts: 409 Member
    Sorry i cant help, as i havent had one, but way to go hun, you do deserve it if it is what you want. I am sure i have seen posts on here from people who have had surgery, maybe they are on a different time zone?
    Congrats on your weight loss.
  • memickee
    memickee Posts: 250 Member is a great place to research tummy tucks.
  • GothyFaery
    GothyFaery Posts: 762 Member
    I haven't had a tummy tuck but I did have the girls enhanced and read a lot of info on plastic surgery in general. I can tell you this:

    -It's going to hurt, a lot
    -You're going to be an emotional rollercoaster for atleast a month after
    -You will need more time than you think to recover
    -Plan on doing NOTHING for at least a week
    -It helps to have someone to support you
    -You will look great, but not instantly. Recovery takes time (thus the emotional rollercoaster)
    -It will be worth it

    I also agree with Lots of good info on there. Good luck with everything!
  • Jayneh876
    Jayneh876 Posts: 3 Member
    I had a tummy tuck and a breast lift with augmentation after loosing 109 pounds. It was the worst pain you can ever image. THE WORST. I had to stay 2 nights in the hospital (1 night at a discounted rate for plastic surgery patients and the second at $10K). Yes, $10K. The pain was so bad I couldn't move without passing out. I had no choice but to stay. Once I got home, I slept and cried and begged God to take away the pain. It took about 5-6 full days to be able to move around. Another full week to be able to do things unassisted. And another week to start living again. My results were amazing. My body looked incredible and I had never been happier.

    My story changed after that 3rd week. I got a deadly Strep A infection and wound up with a 50/50 chance of survival. I had to have my abdominal suture line openned up, and left open (covered by a wound vac for 7 weeks). I had both implants removed because the infection spread to them. I also had a PIC line put in so I could receive 2 IV antibiotics a day for 7 weeks. 16 months later, I am alive, but 20 pounds heavier (trying to take it off now with Crossfit and a Paleo's working). I still have the Strep A infection and my Infections Disease Dr. said I will probably always have an elevated ASO Titer.

    My advice to you: take every dose of antibiotics given to you - regardless if the dr's say it's okay to stop them. Make sure you have a lot of support at home. Expect a weight gain due to bloating and swelling (my 20 lb weight gain was from depression/increasing calories to heal the open wounds).

    Would I do it again? Probably. The only thing I wouldn't do is be around anyone who has been sick. I don't think I realized how traumatic the surgery is to your body and immune system.

    Good luck making your decision.
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