How do I get a butt?



  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Your butt looks great! If I have never lifted any weights, what is a good size weight to start with?

    You want to start with a program. If you want to focus on your butt Strong Curves is supposed to be good. The program you choose will tell you how much weight to use. Most will start with the bar, which is 45 lbs.

    There are three different level programs in the book. I am doing the beginner program right now and it is bodyweight at this point, but I am only on the second week.

    Ah my bad. Well anyway-- start with a program and follow the recommendations. I started with Stronglifts and it uses the bar.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Get started with a progressive loading strength training program that focuses on glutes. These are my results from a year of recomp (eating at maintenance and lifting) and one month of dedicated bulking with plenty of glute bridges, squats, deadlifts, lunges, and single leg squats.

    I love this! Makes me wonder though...If I already have a big butt with lots of fat, it's not going to get bigger right? Just...better? Higher? I mean from heavy lifting, which is what I've been doing.

    If you're eating at a deficit you'll keep the muscle while losing the fat and your butt will be amazing. I wish I had started lifting sooner so I could have done that. Sadly I bought into the whole "get to goal weight and then strength train" mentality.

    Okay. That's what I thought I was doing. But every time I think I get things right I read something that makes me think...wait, am I right?

    No you're right. Mine grew because I ate enough for it to grow. It grew very slowly during recomp-- I think I gained an inch in the first year. Then when I bulked I gained a full inch the first month. Without the food consumption you're not going to put on huge amounts of muscle.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Your butt looks great! If I have never lifted any weights, what is a good size weight to start with?

    You want to start with a program. If you want to focus on your butt Strong Curves is supposed to be good. The program you choose will tell you how much weight to use. Most will start with the bar, which is 45 lbs.

    There are three different level programs in the book. I am doing the beginner program right now and it is bodyweight at this point, but I am only on the second week.

    Ah my bad. Well anyway-- start with a program and follow the recommendations. I started with Stronglifts and it uses the bar.

    I wasn't correcting, just throwing out where I was and that there were a few levels of this program. The beginner program is very beginner. Most plans would start with the bar.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Why are people sarcastic and hateful on these posts? The girl just asked a damn question!

    Look on amazon for dancing dvd's or do lots of walking and squats. I have a huge *kitten* and I'm trying to LOSE it. Wish I could surgically remove it and give it to you! lol

    No one is being hateful... try relaxing it works wonders.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    I love this! Makes me wonder though...If I already have a big butt with lots of fat, it's not going to get bigger right? Just...better? Higher? I mean from heavy lifting, which is what I've been doing.

    Yes it will look great after lifting. Mine did :)
  • EBRE44
    EBRE44 Posts: 18 Member
    Options Try this squat workout on youtube with some small weights every other day to start, It gives you examples of different kinds of squats and where they target so good to start with, FREE and not insanely difficult remember to up protein for muscle growth too :laugh: I love ma juicy rump steak! :drinker:
  • Anniebotnen
    Anniebotnen Posts: 332 Member
    Your butt looks great! If I have never lifted any weights, what is a good size weight to start with?

    You want to start with a program. If you want to focus on your butt Strong Curves is supposed to be good. The program you choose will tell you how much weight to use. Most will start with the bar, which is 45 lbs.

    There are three different level programs in the book. I am doing the beginner program right now and it is bodyweight at this point, but I am only on the second week.

    Ah my bad. Well anyway-- start with a program and follow the recommendations. I started with Stronglifts and it uses the bar.

    I wasn't correcting, just throwing out where I was and that there were a few levels of this program. The beginner program is very beginner. Most plans would start with the bar.

    The Strong Curves book includes detailed instructions on how to choose your starting weights for the beginner program. You can use weights for most of the exercises from the very beginning if the body weight ones are not challenging enough, although learning correct form before loading the exercises with weights is strongly recommended. This is an excellent program for beginners!
  • rjmudlax13
    rjmudlax13 Posts: 900 Member
    Squats and deadlifts with heavy weight*.

    *Heavy weight = the weight where you can do about 3 sets of 5-6 reps with proper form during each rep while being challenging enough where the last rep is difficult (but still with good form!).
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Your butt looks great! If I have never lifted any weights, what is a good size weight to start with?

    You want to start with a program. If you want to focus on your butt Strong Curves is supposed to be good. The program you choose will tell you how much weight to use. Most will start with the bar, which is 45 lbs.

    There are three different level programs in the book. I am doing the beginner program right now and it is bodyweight at this point, but I am only on the second week.

    Ah my bad. Well anyway-- start with a program and follow the recommendations. I started with Stronglifts and it uses the bar.

    I wasn't correcting, just throwing out where I was and that there were a few levels of this program. The beginner program is very beginner. Most plans would start with the bar.

    The Strong Curves book includes detailed instructions on how to choose your starting weights for the beginner program. You can use weights for most of the exercises from the very beginning if the body weight ones are not challenging enough, although learning correct form before loading the exercises with weights is strongly recommended. This is an excellent program for beginners!

    Yes. The program as written starts out with bodyweight squats and glute bridges. I know you can add weight. It is actually perfect for me as is right now because I am recovering.