Let's Motivate Each Other!

Hello MFP!

So recently, I felt like I need to make a change in my life. I have been using MyFitnessPal on and off for about a year now and thought that I really should kick things into full gear. Usually, what happens is that I get over motivated for two days, go into full fitness mode, then use that as an excuse to cheat for a day. One day turns into two days, and then into a week, and then the cycle continues.

I'm getting really tired of living this lifestyle and realized that one way I could do better was that if I was more motivated! My personal goal is to go from 125 pounds to 115 so I can get ready to build some muscle and lose all of my chubbiness. Whatever you goal is - I'll be here to help you! This community is huge, and I feel as if it would be a good idea to make some friends so we could do this journey together! With that being said, if anyone here wants to be friends so that we can tackle this together - let me know!

Good luck to everyone!

- Shani


  • Definitely! I have the exact problem actually but I've been doing the Insanity program and it helps! Add me if you want. :)
  • shani_m
    Awesome! And yeah I remember doing Insanity a few months back - I think that I may have rushed into it though because even though I did lose quite a bit, I got it back quickly :P

    Nice to meet you!